The Moreh Visit of Heads of Missions

Lunminthang Haokip
Moreh, the 20th Sept : The HoM Visit: 8 Heads of Missions of ASEAN countries were supposed to visit Moreh border town on the 20th of September, 2010. Finally 7 of them, with a Director of DONER and other officials of Manipur state, made it to Moreh. At 9:30 am , the officials of Chandel District Administration and the community leaders of Moreh welcomed the visiting diplomats at Trade Centre, Moreh. The Kuki cultural band gave Pengkul ( local trumpet) salute in honour of the Diplomatic guests at Trade centre, Moreh

The Team: The High Profile Visitors were:

1. HE Gen (Retd) Andi Muhammad Ghalib,. Ambassador,
    Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia.
2. HE Dato Paduka Haji Sidek Ali,
     High commissioner, High commission of Brunei Darussaiam.
3. HE Mr. Thongpanh Syackhaphom ,
    Ambassador, Embassy of People's Democratic Republic.
4. HE Dato Tan Seng Sung,
    High commissioner, High Commission of Malaysia.
5. HE Mr. Kyl Thein, Ambassador,
    Embassy of the Union of Myanmar.
6. HE Mr. Calvin Eu,
    High commissioner, High Commission of the Republic of Singapore.
7. HE Mr. Krit Kraichitti,
    Ambassador, Embassy of the Kingdom of Thailand.

The Arrangements: Under the efficient leadership of Respected Chief Secretary of Manipur, Sir D.S Poonia, the concerned departments of the Government of Manipur got cracking from the first week of September. In the run-up to the important HoM arrival at Imphal, several rounds of meetings were held in the brilliantly revamped and office chamber of the C.S. The departments executed their responsibilities well in time and with promptness.
           HE Calvin Eu, and HE Data Paduka Haji Sadek Ali, HCs of Singapore and Brunei

                                                     Ambassador of Thailand to India

                                                         At the Pagoda, Tamu
                                       Lunminthang Haokip at DC/Tamu Premises

                   HoMs refreshed at the office premises of the Chairman, DPDC, Tamu

                                                                 HoMs with Tamu Officials

The delegated Charges: The GAD was the overall in-charge department for providing hospitality, site-visits, cultural entertainment and presentation of gifts to the HoM team who were put up at the state capital's swanky Classic hotel. Commerce and Industries department co-ordinated the Moreh/ICP-site visits while the Manipur Police took stock of the security for the VIPs. As usually done, Assam Rifles provided facilities for stop-over breakfast for the HoM team on their way to Moreh and back at Tengnoupal.

The Short Stay: Thanks to the efforts of the Department of Industry and Commerce coupled with hard work put in by MANIDCO, the new imposing building of ITISFC, Moreh could be inaugurated in time on 19 September, 2010 by Shri Y. Erabot, Hon'ble Minister, Ind & Comm, CAF & PD and Co-Operation. The Heads of Mission, with their personal staff and spouses in tow, were the first to occupy the VIP rooms of the Integrated Trade Information and Stay Facility Centre, Moreh. Lunch was arranged to be served at the ground floor dining hall of the new paint-fresh Stay Facility Centre.

The Tamu Visit: This writer who is the head of Administration at the cutting edge of Moreh Block, took pains to get unofficial permit for the visiting diplomats to visit Tamu town on 20 September, 2010. The Myanmarese authorities granted Verbal permit for the said purpose on 19 September last. The Chairman, DPDC, Tamu, Mr. Kaung San Oo, also co-operated in this regard. The Ambassadors enjoyed the new places they treaded and took glances upon for the first time. Due to pressure on time, they had to make a vehicular round of Tamu and Namphalong market complexes. There was no time to shop till one drops.

Interactions Galore: The High commissioners and the Ambassadors' visit had a lasting impact on the residents of Moreh and Tamu. They were informal in their interactions with the officials of the state. The bonding had much to do with similarity of physical features they share with the local people. The ice was broken in no time. Curious to know more about Moreh, Tamu and the much hyped-up Asian Highway and Border Trade, the Diplomats gave as much information as they took from the visited.

Ambassador of Thailand: HE Mr Krit Kraichitti, Ambassador of Thailand to India, showed keen interest in exploring the potential to initiate trade relations between his advanced country and North East India. When asked about the preparedness of Thailand to provide road linkage for trade between Myanmar on the western side and Laos and China on the eastern and northern sides, the charming Diplomat said that Thailand had already readied its highways and bridges on Mekong river for international highway rubbery. They are now waiting for Myanmar and India to upgrade portions of their highways to ASEAN standards.

The Site Visits: The entourage of the Ambassadors had to return to Imphal for other appointments in the same evening. So, the site visits were brief. The first stoppage of the inspecting team was the warehouse and Land Custom infrastructure across Moreh's Gate no. 1 on their way to Tamu. The next stop was predictable -the Pagoda near Tamu's only golf course. The long-winding motorcade was then directed to head straight for the office premises of the Chairman, District Peace and Development Council, Tamu where they chit-chatted over a cup of tea for a while before they moved back to Trade Centre, Moreh.

The Light Moments: The visiting dignitaries relaxed themselves after joining the VIP buffet at ITISFC, Moreh's restaurant-cum-dining hall at around 1:45 pm. Lunch time was the only time when the state officials could discuss social and cultural issues of mutual interest with the visiting team members. The ambiance was made all the more informal by the friendly socializing initiative exhibited with brotherly affinity by HE Mr. Calvin Eu, the High Commissioner of Republic of Singapore. The buffet items put our state in a good light. The chef of the day deserved a pat on the back as I could see the man from the land of high dietary taste, HE the Ambassador of Thailand to India, appreciatively relishing the gourmet items on the table without batting an eyelid.

The Departure: At 3 pm, the high profile guests of Moreh were geared up for their way back to Imphal. With smiles of gratitude, the DC, Chandel, Mr H. Deleep Singh and the ADC, Moreh, with a heavy sigh of a forlorn wish that the delegation stayed longer, saw the ASEAN Heads of Missions off. It will take some time for the small town residents of Moreh to recover from the hangover of the reassuring high profile visit.
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