By: Mr. Dale L.
God’s most perfect gift Matt. 20- 13 But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.God cares for all little ones as He cared for His own Son born in a manger so long, long ago. This young couple wanted children; they had just about given up on having their own and were preparing themselves to adopt a baby, but God heard their prayer and now it was after Thanksgiving and almost time for the delivery of their little one, a little girl.
The soon to be mother and a lady friend were shopping for Christmas when she began having some labor pains, so she hurriedly paid for their purchases then left for home immediately.
Arriving at home she called her doctor the doctor advised her to go to the hospital where he would meet her.
The labor was long and difficult but finally the baby girl arrived. But, It was immediately discovered that the baby was very sensitive to the touch And the crying continued until a solution was found. They used the softest material to lie on and she was placed in an incubator that had a safe and secure
environment she was so tiny weighting only three pounds, wrinkled with lots of curly soft blond hair.
Still no one could touch her with their hands for to do so would cause her to cry and break out with a fire red rash. So the care of little Mandy had to be done through special gloved-like pockets in the canopy. All waste material was placed at the foot and bottom end in a plastic bag that could be closed before removing so no contaminated air would enter the incubator. The mother was recovering well but was sad because she could not touch her little Mandy and she could only look at her and shed her silent tears. As little Mandy was fighting for her very life, a constant vigil was kept at all times.
The surprising thing about Mandy was that at times she would laugh, smile and kick up her feet like someone was playing with her. But, of course everyone knew that there was no one inside of that canopy to play With Mandy! Or was there?
Perhaps Mandy was so special that only God could and would touch her for her first few months of life, a case of “only touched by God.”
Both parents and the caring hospital staff would see Mandy kicking up a fuss and laughing at different times of the day and night so it could only be that God had a special interest in that little one who like His own Son was so special.
The mother reluctantly went home when discharged but came back to the hospital every day to
spend as much time as possible with Mandy, sometimes taying way beyond the regular visiting hours
as the nurses did not notice her unless someone complained.
The life at the hospital of those attending to Mandy, as well as the other nurses, always started their shift with a happy tune as they went to Mandy’s room to check on her. She was growing and her eyes were focusing on and following people as they moved about. The doctor would check and see if Mandy could be removed from the incubator and touched by human hands, but she remained sensitive to human touch. The days rolled by – the days became weeks and the weeks became months. Three months after Mandy was born, to every ones surprise, Mandy did not cry or raise
a fuss when touched!!!!
It was early in the morning when Mandy’s mother came to the hospital. To surprise her, the staff decided to leave Mandy under the canopy, as if nothing had happened.
Upon arriving at the hospital and going to the cafeteria for a cup of coffee, the mother spotted a nurse
that was on the team who took care of Mandy, someone who would know about M andy’s condition at that particular time. Approaching the nurse, she noticed a sly smile but quickly forgot it when she ask about Mandy; the nurses reply was that nothing had changed as of yet.
Arriving on the floor where Mandy was; the nurse at the reception desk just smiled and waved her on by; the room was well marked there was a pink sign hanging above the door which read “Mandy’s room”.
Opening the door and entering she noticed one of the nurses had just hung up the phone, but paid no attention to that for Mandy was laughing and kicking with her feet in the air, not noticing the difference in the canopy she stopped and looked at Mandy she was wearing dippers for the first time and now she noticed that the canopy was different.
The nurse lifted off the canopy and there for the first time Mandy Was seen without a canopy and could be touched, but the mother hesitated because she just wasn’t sure what to do; the nurse spoke in a soft voice pick up your baby she is fine now and can go home with you when the doctor comes in this morning for his final check up on Mandy.
Mandy’s room was filling up fast with the hospital staff as Mandy’s Mother picks her up for the first time although everyone was smiling there was tears of joy for mother and Mandy who was the baby that only God could touch.
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