Get to the Bottom of Your Back Pain

Back pain sends more patients to doctors than any condition other than the common cold.
It’s the fifth most common reason for hospitalizations and third most common cause of surgery. And 56% of
people with lower-back aches say symptoms disrupt their daily routines, including sleep and sex. Talk about a pain in the...back.

There are many possible causes of back pain, which means there are also many non-invasive solutions, according to Todd Sinett, a chiropractor and coauthor of The Truth about Back Pain. ‘Back pain is rarely one catastrophic event,’ he says in the book, ‘but several situations
combining to create pain.’ And it turns out that some seemingly insignificant everyday habits can take a big toll on your back over time. Here, the top 14 mistakes that may be causing your aches and how to correct them.

1. Youíre Chained to Your Desk Did you know that sitting puts 40% more pressure on your spine than standing? Let’s be honest: Maintaining proper posture is probably the last thing you’re thinking about when under a major work deadline. And on a jam-packed day, regular stretching breaks may not seem like a wise way to spend your time. But skipping these habits may cause your back to suffer. That’s because back muscles will weaken if you don’t use them; inactive joints lose lubrication and age more quickly.

2. You Have a Long Commute Just like at your desk, hunching over a steering wheel can tighten chest muscles and cause your shoulders to round. Slumping posture can zap energy and make you look heavier, not to mention cause back and neck problems. Back pain is the number one complaint of the patients of Darran W. Marlow, DC, director of the chiropractic division at the Texas Back Institute, and he advises them to first think about their driving posture.

3. Your Mattress Is from Another Decade Canít remember the last time you replaced it? Your back may be in trouble. A good mattress lasts 9 to 10 years, according to the National Sleep Foundation, but consider replacing yours every 5 to 7 years if you don’t sleep well or your back throbs. A study at Oklahoma State University found that most people who switched to new bedding after 5 years slept significantly better and had less back pain.

4. You Carry Your Entire Life in Your Purse
A stuffed-to-the-gills handbag may cause back damage that’s comparable to a sports injury!

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