KNA/KNO’s publicity secy, Lenin H Kuki defected and joins UKLF

Imphal, May 17(HNS): Information and publicity secretary of KNO, Lenin H Kuki has defected from the party and joined the UKLF, asserted that KNA/KNO is becoming anti-people and anti-revolutionary in its characteristic and activities.
Extending warm welcome to the defected leader in joining the party, information and publicity secretary M Jou of UKLF today said that the party opens door to those who come to join the party believing to its ideology and revolutionary motto.
Speaking to reporters in a hurriedly arrange briefing in an undisclosed place somewhere in Chandel district, M Jou said that the party welcome Lenin H Kuki who left the ideology of the KNO/NKA believing to the party ideology.

Giving reason for welcoming the defected cadres of other rival groups, Jou went to say that another objective welcoming them is to prevent from raising new outfit which would add another burden to the people already suffered when the new outfit comes out to raise party fund citing the instance of cutting percentage from the compensation given by the government to the poor landowners affected by the construction of Integrated Check Post in Moreh.

Meanwhile, Lenin H Kuki briefing to the reporters on the reason behind his defect from the KNA/KNO charged the KNA of being functioning under the patronage and blessing of “external forces” like RAW and the Indian security forces.
“KNA had been instrumental in divisive ethnic politics creating animosity and ill-feelings amongst the diverse ethnic communities of the North-East India,” Lenin charged.

While signing the Suspension of Operation (SoO) with the Centre and State governments, KNA/KNO had not consulted with its counter part UPF which arouse suspicions and disillusions in the minds of the Kuki people upon the party.
He also maintained that the immediate positive outcome of SoO for the KNO is the mushrooming of armed groups based on clan and tribe by brandling one or two Chinese made automatic weapons, just for the sake of numbers within the KNO fold.

“Because of immoral and luxurious lifestyles of leaders in cities and towns and the misuse of funds, there has been rapid increase among poor and weary cadres who defect to other parties or live a life of disillusionment by taking drugs and others anti-social activities. It is known to one and all about the deduction of crores of rupees from the affected pattadars of Moreh ICP which was shared and pocketed by few boss,” he charged. He also appealed to one and all and the Kukis in particular to support and join along with him the reunification movement spearheaded by the government of Khulmigam, UKLF.
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