What You Need To Know About the Law of Attraction

As more and more people hear about the Law of Attraction, a lot of confusion is generated through not really understanding how this powerful law operates or how it governs their prosperity.

So here are five basic elements to help you to understand how it affects your life:
1. The Law of Attraction is a universal law. It states that whatever you set your intentions on and focus on,
will come to you. The world around you responds to your thoughts and feelings at a vibrational level . If you
are thinking miserable thoughts and creating miserable feelings, you will notice more things around you to feel miserable about. Conversely, if you are thinking happy thoughts and creating happy feelings, you will notice more things around you to feel happy about.

2. The Law of Attraction is totally impartial. It works, just the same for everyone: for rich or poor, for old or
young, for those who know about it and those who donít, for those who believe in it and those who don't. It simply responds to vibration. Knowing this is very empowering and helps you to move from wondering why some people have money and you don't, or why some people succeed where you have failed. It's all about their vibration and your vibration.

3. Your external world is simply a reflection of your internal thinking. What you see around you is an indication of what you believe to be so. If what you see and experience around you is not what you would like
to be experiencing, then itís important to remember that change comes from within and when you change
your way of thinking, your experiences in the world will change. They have to. That's how the Law of Attraction works.

So, I f you stop blaming external factors and start focusing on what you want to attract, you can change
your experiences and start manifesting the life of your dreams.

4. When people start to intentionally work with the Law of Attraction to create whatever they want in life,they are likely to encounter what appear to be obstacles. These are actually very helpful indicators of where a person's belief is out of alignment with what they want.

Most people have unconscious beliefs, that is beliefs that they donít even know they hold. So if you think you want something, but aren't getting it, you may well have unconscious beliefs, such as "I don't deserve it" or ëGood things like that, donít happen to people like meí or some other belief which will block your process of attracting what you want.

Beliefs are simply habitual thoughts which you have decided are true. If you choose to, you can change your thoughts and your beliefs to support your manifesting. Abraham-Hicks say you can change your experience one better- feeling thought at a time, which makes it all very straightforward. In order to attract whatever it is that you want, you have to believe that it is possible. You don't need to know how it might occur, but you do have to believe that it is possible. 5. Abundance is your natural state. Few people realise this as most have been so conditioned by the allpervading limited thinking prevalent in the world today. But when you know that abundance is your natural state and believe this, then it becomes your experience and your life becomes truly amazing.

As Henry Ford said, ëIf you think you can, or you think you can't, you're right'. Human nature is such that many people would rather be right than be happy. Would you rather live happily in a conscious awareness of the Law of Attraction or maintain your scepticism and have your life stay as it is?

Itís your choice. If you choose to start intentionally using the Law of Attraction, your life will become great
fun. The universe always responds to you. As you practice focusing on what you want and see the successful attraction you create, you automatically drop old limiting beliefs, because you donít actually know just how
much prosperity is possible for you. And you can have great fun finding out just how you can really enjoy life.

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