NSCN-IM rejects autonomy

Th. Muivah after his arrival at Dimapur airport on Thursday and (below) the bulletproof car he travelled in. Pictures by Eastern Projections

Dimapur, March 18: The Isak-Muivah faction of the NSCN today categorically rejected the Centre’s offer of greater autonomy to Naga people to resolve the decades old Naga political problem.

NSCN (I-M) general secretary Thuingaleng Muivah told reporters on his arrival at Dimapur airport that the group would never accept New Delhi’s offer of greater autonomy as the demand of the Naga people was sovereignty. This, he said, was non-negotiable and the government of India had to accept the truth.

“We will never compromise on the issue of sovereignty,” Muivah said before heading for Camp Hebron, the council headquarters, 35km from here.

Referring to the demand for the integration of all Naga contiguous areas, he said it was the birthright of the Naga people to live as one.

Muivah also said his group would support the ongoing Naga reconciliation process being conducted under the aegis of the Forum for Naga Reconciliation headed by Baptist clergyman, Rev. Wati Aier. The move has the support of several organisations.

“We are committed to Naga reconciliation,” he said, adding that the reconciliation of Naga groups was the desire of every Naga.

Despite this stand, the Isak-Muivah group has opposed the inclusion of other Naga factions like the NSCN (Khaplang) and the Naga National Council in the talks process.

Muivah and his top comrades still claim that the National Socialist Council of Nagalim, led by Isak Chishi Swu and Muivah, is the only mandated organisation to represent the Naga people.

The Centre has already rejected the demand for Naga integration and sovereignty. But Muivah and his comrades who attended the just-concluded Naga talks in New Delhi said Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and home minister P. Chidambaram had expressed their commitment and sincerity to pursue a solution to the Naga issue which would be honourable and acceptable to the NSCN and the Centre.

Muivah refused to take too many questions today but said he would talk about the current peace process during the republic day celebrations of the NSCN/GPRN at the council headquarters on Sunday.

“You can ask as many questions (as you want) on March 21,” he said, before getting into his bulletproof Bolero.

On that day, Muivah will address a gathering of Naga people from all the Naga-inhabited areas and brief them on the Naga peace process with the Centre.

NSCN sources said he would also dispel all misgivings on the current peace process and make the group’s stand clear on the Naga issue.

On his arrival at Dimapur airport, Muivah and his wife were escorted to the lounge for a few minutes and then to their car by police and NSCN security personnel. Among the top leaders of the group who received Muivah at the airport were V.S. Atem, the emissary to the collective leadership, and Qhevihe Swu, a senior member of the steering committee, the highest policy-making body of the group.

Around 50 vehicles escorted the NSCN leader to the council headquarters under tight security.

There was no public reception at the airport following a request by its authorities because of security concerns.

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