KSO threaten agitation

Imphal, May 08 2009: The Kuki Students Organization (KSO) threatened to launch agitations if the state authority failed to terminate the IRB personnel who have been alleged of killing a student killed in gun firing at Saikul in Senapati district on May 3 night last as the funeral ceremony of the mortal remain of the student performed today.

The funeral ceremony of the dead body of the student, Lalshanglen Mate was performed today at the native village Thanganphai village under Saikul police station after post mortem to the dead body was conducted today morning at RIMS morgue.

Volunteers of the KSO, Saikul branch and many Kuki bodies took part in the funeral ceremony.

The dead body which has been lying unclaimed at RIMS morgue was taken today by the family after there brought about an agreement with the Chief Minister with the representatives of the KSO, Saikul branch.

The dead body has been received after chief minister gave assurance to the KSO, said its president Thongjalun Mate in an interaction with the media persons.

During the talks with CM, he said Chief Minister promised of Rs 10 lakhs as compensation to the bereaved family but they refused it saying that they do not want money but an appropriate job to the sister of the deceased students Nengkhanthen alias Gracy and termination of the IRB personnel involved in the killing of the student.

If the demands are not translated into action by the government within seven days counting from tomorrow, KSO will launch several forms of agitations.

Giving an account of the family of the deceased student, Thangjalun said the younger brother of Lalshanglen Mate has three siblings including his elder sister.

His younger brother had died of drowning some year back.

Third one has married with some one.

Now only the elder sister of the deceased is with her mother after the dead of Lalshanglen who study at Standard-XI when he was shot dead.

One the other hand a condolence meeting was held at the Saikul public ground in connection with the dead of the student.

They offered floral tributes to the departed after the condolence service.

Among others, the funeral ceremony was attended by president of the Kuki Innpi Saikul Paokham Kipgen, president of the KSO, Saikul branch, Thangjalun Mate, president of the KSO, Sadar Hill Lamkholan and talked to the gathering.


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