Ways to bring up Children

Dr. H.H. Mate
To bring up children in the ways they should go, learn to obey before you command and teach them by example rather than by instruction.

Learn to listen, learn to ask questions and know the problem. Distinguish sense from non-sense. Accept change as unavoidable and be calm and smile so that you will work better and learn more. Think, speak and
act nobly and humbly. Do your duty at the right time. Never put off till tomorrow what can be done today,
except when you have to do or say a thing harmful to others.

There are 12(twelve) ways to bring up children:-
1. Teach values such as honesty, integrity, patience and self control gradually and steadily, that too by your
own examples.
2. Praise them openly and often at home and in school.
3. Advise them gently to correct their bad behaviour and manners.
4. Teach them self-esteem and self- confidence at home and in school.
5. Restrict television watching and recreation time at home.
6. Keep a watch on your children’s company frequently.
7. Keep them away from intoxicants like alcohol and drugs etc.
8. Maintain a happy and loving home environment.
9. Give a lot of your time to your children, both quality and quantity.
10. Make humour and laughter a part of your relationship with children.
11. Allow the children to grow and learn through the mistakes they make,
12. Communicate gently but clearly and firmly, get your point across.

Follow the above twelve ways at the ways at the right time. Be doers of thy words, not the nearer only. So
that you will bring up your children in the right path which is well pleasing to the Lord. We see around us
many parents and teachers who are fully responsible to bring up the children in the schools and at home.
Only few parents and teachers know and understand their own responsibilities and at the same time dis-charge their duties so as to earn the grace of God. The tragedy on the part of many parents and teachers is that they know their responsibility but they do not put into practice at home and in the school for the love of children. That is why; today’s children are not obedient to their parents and teachers in the society. This awkward manner of children has become a stumbling block to others, too.

Parents and teachers should be examples to children. Today most of the parents do not understand who they are and what they have to do. In the same way some teachers of the schools do not know and understand their qualifies and personalities and thereby create unwanted atmospheres in the schools before the children/students. When children are not taught and controlled properly at home and in the school they imitate what their parents and teachers are doing. So, if we are to bring up children in the right ways we should be good examples to them at home and in the school at any time, the most beautiful in this world is LOVE , the most saddest is FORGOTTEN and the warmed if FRIENDSHIP . But the cruel is Revenge. Out of these four words, we should holy tightly LOVE AND FRIENDSHIP and should try to avoid” Forgotten and Revenge” so that the most peaceful word “ Tranquil” will be with us at home and in school. Be active, happy and excited while teaching children but do not be too anxious to teach others.

The writer of this Article is the eminent educationist and erudite scholar. Recipient of National and International Awards and Honours
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