Maoists, Manipur ultra outfit forge links

Guwahati, Oct 28 : Amidst growing security concerns following intelligence inputs on links between the Maoist rebel groups and the militant outfits active in North East India, the security agencies have come across a joint declaration where the Maoists and the Revolutionary People’s Front (RPF) of Manipur agreed to “honour and support the sovereignty of India and Manipur”.

The joint declaration, signed by secretary general of the RPF, S Gunen and Alok, a leader of the CPI (Maoist) said that both sides would extend moral and political support to each other in their liberation struggles to “overthrow the common enemy, that is Indian reactionary and oppressive regime.” Both sides also agreed to honour the territorial integrity of Manipur and India. The organizations strongly criticized the Government of India and agreed to consolidate friendship and work hand in hand.

On their part, the Maoists condemned the annexation of Manipur in India and claimed that the merger of Manipur with India was illegal and the people of Manipur have been opposing the same. The CPI (Maoists) has fully supported the “revolutionary movement” of Manipur for liberation.

The RPF has extended support to the movement of the Maoists and expressed the view that the downtrodden people of all over India are facing suppression from the “reactionary regime of India”. The joint declaration has a brief account of the struggle of the Maoists since 1969 and said that the RPF would fully support the ongoing struggle to overthrow the regime to bring “victory to the people of India”.

The PRF made it clear that the common people of India are not the enemies of the people of Manipur. “In fact, the common people of India are under-privileged and downtrodden and they are also suffering under the semi feudal and semi colonial regime of India.”-AT
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