Highway bandh at Moreh concludes

Moreh | Sept 19 : The 72 Hours National highway -39 Bandh called jointly by the Kuki Student Organization Moreh Block & All Manipur Student Union Chandel District Committee For the appointment and posting of Principals to the recently upgraded Moreh Higher Secondary School ended its fist phase (peaceful agitation) against Government’s indifference attitudes with result.

According to the joint statement of the students organisations, conveyed their appreciations and gratitudes to those who encountered hardships and inconveniences caused during the bandh.

Sharing the inconvenience of the general public the organization,on humanitarian ground resolved to relax the bandh form September 17 til l 24 September this month for free movement of vehicles plying in between moreh and imphal, especially for the stranded passengers / vehicles etc. the joint statement added.

However if the government does not come forward to any solution, the organization has a firm stance with turning back by imposing an indefinite bandh in its strongest term by boycotting all government , firms establishments and vehicle of which the government shall bear the responsibility for any outcome of the agitation the joint statement added.

~ Hueiyen Lanpao
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