Mizoram police to get latest weapons

Aizawl | September 14 NNN: The Mizoram state, which has been termed as “Island of peace” is gearing up to procure latest weapons and advanced technology in fighting against criminals and militants. In this connection the Mizoram police department will soon get ‘bullet proof cars’ by November, a source from Mizoram police department informed Newmai News Network today. It also said that inspection for the cars and other necessary measures have been taken so that Mizoram police get the bullet proof cars as soon as possible.

It is pertinent to note that Mitshubishi Pajero, Japanese bullet proof cars were brought from Japan and at present they are being maintained by the lone agent, Hindustan Motors at Chandigarh. The cars have been tested by the Defence Research Organisation last week. It was also approved by the New Delhi to be used by the Indian police.

Meanwhile, the Mizoram Director General of Police informed NNN that once the Mizoram state procures a bullet proof Pajero, it will be used whenever the President of India, the Prime Minister and the Vice President who are categorised as Z+ visit Mizoram. The expenditures to procure this vehicle will cost around 46.34 lakhs, he said. Besides, in order to equip the state police with modern technology and weapons, 2 companies of Commandos have also been established.

Meanwhile, the police department will also get some of the best weapons. In this regard, some of the weapons to be delivered to the Mizoram police includes, 90 pieces of Colt M4 carbine manufacture at M/S Colt Defence LCC, 547 New Park Avenue, West Hartfort, Connecticut, USA; 30 numbers of Colt M4 CQB; 116 Berreta 90 two pistol made by M/S Bretta Frebrica d’ Armi, Italy and four Sako TRG 22 (sniper rifle). In fact, Colt M4 is handy and more convenient to carry than a full-length rifle.

~ MEx, Picture Courtesy: Mizoram Express

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