72 hr bandh on Imphal-Moreh road from today

Imphal, September 14 HNS: The amsu Chandel District Committee and Moreh Block KSO have jointly called 72 hour bandh on Imphal-Moreh section of NH 39 from 6 pm today (Tuesday, September 14) in protest against the failure of the Education Minister to translate his assurances into action.The government has failed to fill the vacant post of principal or principal-in-charge of Government Hr Secondary, Moreh despite assurances of doing so.

Volunteers of the two student organisations will block Moreh-Imphal road by displaying placards from tomorrow morning onwards. No vehicles would be allowed to pass during the bandh. Unless the government sends a full fledged principal to the school during the bandh period, the two student organisations will be compelled to extend the bandh indefinitely from the next day after the 72 hour peirod is over, AMSU, Chandel District Committee and Moreh Block, KSO anounced today.

~ Hueiyen Lanpao
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