Kuki militants to deposit arms today

Sobhapati Samom
Natheljang camp (Manipur), Sept 14 – In a significant development, a Kuki militant group in Manipur is all set to deposit their arms in a move to initiate political dialogue with the Government.
The 23-year-old Kuki National Front (KNF), one of the signatory among 19 Kuki outfits which are undergoing Suspension of Operations (SoO)
with the government since August 2005, having around 370 armed cadres willdeposit their arms and ammunition at a designated camp here at Natheljang, around 42km north of Imphal in Kourbou Range of Sadar hills in Manipur’s Senapati district, tomorrow.

“Our cadres have reached the designated camp from different places and we will deposit our arms tomorrow”, ST Thangboi Kipgen, president of KNF, told the press on Tuesday.

“I would like to clarify to all the Kuki people, the State Government and Centre that this is not a surrender or submission of arms. We are only depositing our arms for the sake of peace and political settlement for the Kukis”.

The KNF leader also urged the government to appoint a joint secretary level interlocutor for the Kukis as the first step for political talk with the Government of India.

~Assam Tribune
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