HAC to decide on powers to MDCs

From M Kaimuanthang
LAMKA, Sep 23: An attempt has been made to confer proper powers to the recently elected MDCs in the state within a short span of 15 days time from now and for this the HAC members will be required to tender necessary suggestion over the type of power to be given to them. A cabinet resolution was passed in principle for the purpose yesterday.

It has also been the state government’s attempt to give one four-wheeler each to the executive members, EM, and if that is not possible as of now it will be on the basis of higher rent charges.

This has been stated by T Phungzathang, minister for power/ horticulture and soil conservation/ science and technology and senior cabinet member of the SPF government who was recently back in the state from various countries of Europe, the USA and Rome during his speech as chief guest at the inauguration functions of New Lamka YPA cemetery bridge today. The pogrammes started from 8 am.

Pointing out different plus points of the Congress rule and to facilitate the poor and vulnerable sections of people in a much better way, he said reimbursement of all medical expenses due to sicknesses of the poor and unemployed citizens has been made possible with Rs 4 crores budget by the state government

On the issue of census overlapping and the reported plan for deletion of some names from the census list by government with respect to Ccpur due to which the CDSU and COPTAM felt need to launch a protest movement, he said he will take up the issue at an appropriate levels of authority so as to settle it before it is blown hot.

In this connection he said he will hold a meeting with the COPTAM and CDSU leaders at his residence tomorrow adding there are no problems which defies solution and that can be brought to happen only through cooperation.

Stating that CCpur has made tremendous progress in all respect he said due to so much love and care for the district by each and everyone there can be friction of ideas but that is due to zeal and enthusiasm.

The minister lauded the DC/Ccpur for she has been the first to personally conduct an enquiry of development works at the spot in spite of being a woman.

Earlier, he inaugurated the New Lamka YPA cemetery bridge constructed at the total cost of Rs. 10 lakhs under the BRGF 2009-10.

Present on the occasion were the DC/ Ccpur Jacintha Lazurus, IAS, Manmuanching SDO/ Ccpur, the AC to DC/ Ccpur and the ADC/ Ccpur Chairman Langkhanpau Guite who all gave speech.

The DC Ccpur stated this was yet again another properly executed work with the other one earlier of SSPP residential schools, while thanking the implementing agency and concerned officials for the being sincere.

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