When Life Gets Challenging

Life seems to be getting interesting. Like all things, we can look at it from any angle we choose. Times are changing, but they are not necessarily getting worse. The old system is falling away, and we must be clever to find our way through the maze of uncertainty that accompanies change. In uncertain times, we must rely on our Faith in our Selves. When structure falls away, we must make decisions based on what we want from the future and our personal belief system. If either of these is unclear, our Self-Faith falters, making it harder to make good decisions during our most dire need of Clarity.

If your situation changes unexpectedly or out of your control, re-evaluate your new situation and your new options. If things get crazy, you might have to do this from one moment to the next, or at least one day to the next. With every change that befalls you, re-evaluate the future you want, and the means at your disposal. Your most powerful tools are your imagination, your will and your faith.

Use your imagination to expand your possibilities. Focus on the feelings that accompany your thoughts.
Donít waste time and energy on the thoughts that don't feel good. Focus on the ideas that excite you, and run
with them in whatever direction your thoughts take you.

Donít get discouraged if you canít think of a specific way to get to your specific destination. Don't give up on being abundant with something just because you don't know HOW you'll ever get it. Just know that every moment is bringing you closer to your goal. Not knowing HOW something will come about is why the
Path of Life remains a Magical Mystery even though we define the destination.

When life gets challenging and structure disappears, keep in the forefront of your mind that you will find a way past your obstacles and you will find your goals on the other side. With that foundation, discover your Unique Service that other's value, then find a way to deliver it to them. When your service is valuable to people, they will return the value in whatever form you specify. Be it money, gold, bread or services, your payment is up to you, just keep it more than fair to everyone involved.

When you mix the Will of Emotion with the Organizing Power of Logic, you will think in new ways and
find solutions that you never before considered. Know that there are many solutions to your predicament, and
be open to seeing them when they present themselves to you.

We all get stuck in situations. It is easy to be excitedly seduced into a situation that turns out to be not at all what we imagined. The illusion of the moment blinds us from possible repercussions of our actions. Instead of thinking about what you don't want and why you're stuck, focus your mind on what you do want.

Don't worry about HOW your life will get you whereyou want to go, just know that you define the destination and Life takes you there in ways you cannot imagine. If your life spirals out of control, get Calm, get Clear, and get Clever. Donít make rash, emotional decisions. If you feel stuck, summon the power to see past your present situation, to a future that you define.

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