Disables Day Out

By: Lunminthang Haokip
Introduction : On 13 August, 2005, nearly all the roads of Sadar Hills led to roam around Kangpokpi T.D-built Community hall. At 10 am the crowd had already swelled up and the 600-capacity auditorium threatened to burst in the seams. In the part- Sadar Hills administration and part-SSA, Sadar Hills-sponsored musical jamboree, the invitees were not the usual stuff. Some of them couldn't walk, some couldn't talk and others couldn't see and hear. One thing they shared in common, however, was social neglect and imagined hope that was partially addressed that day.

                                                                K2H, T2K, NML & ES

Love The Unlovely: Neglected and high-strung, they thronged Kpi Block head quarter with wounded pride to ventilate their long-suppressed feelings of hurt and longing for acknowledgement of their pitiable existence. The administration was ill-prepared to host and take care of such a mammoth gathering of God's specially able children. Thanks to the Secretary S.W, DC/Spt, DSWO/Spt staff of ADC/Kpi, SHADC/Kpi, ZEO/Kpi, NYK volunteers. HODs of Saikul and Saitu, a rare spectacle of "Love for the unlovely" could be pulled off. God blessed the combined effort with distribution of aids and appliances to the actually needy persons. It indeed was the disables' day-out. To love the lovely is easy. But it takes the right mixture of compassion and emotion to love the unlovely.

                                                              Kuki Gospel Artists

Day Function : A galaxy of Gospel singing stars gladdened injured hearts with their chart-topping numbers. The musical cheering picked up to a crescendo with "God loves you all the more'" which was penned with the disables in mind by this author, set to tune by Ginmang Khongsai and sung with genuine emotions by the voice of grace, Esther Sitlhou. A key-note address on the theme by this author-focused on the spiritual inability of the so-called 'able' persons and the special abilities of the disables was followed by a heart¬-warming message from John Freddy, who is a believer, a teacher and a preacher rolled into

Lonely In A Crowd: one. The curious gathering were enthralled by ageless melody queen, Mrs. Konnie Leivon's other-worldly number, Neicy Singson's high-pitched crooning, Onkholet Touthang's blind hit, Alen Chiru's moving presentation, Lalkhohen Chongloi's four-finger wonder item, group songs by TBA choir, Thangal Lalu and MTC choir. But the rendition that struck a chord with the mixed audience was this writer's testimonial song, "Lonely in a crowd", tuned by Seigoumang Lhouvum, instrumentally backed up by Tiken, Gugun, Milan, Minthang and John and sung with professional gait by Hechin Haokip, Lynda Neishiel and Seigoumang.

The Tear-Jerker : Mr. L.Lakher, the then Secretary, Social Welfare Deptt, could not attend the function. But the bureaucrat with a penchant to help the poor, saw to it that 20 Tri¬cycles, 7 wheel-chairs and 40 hearing-aids were distributed with the help of ALEMCO on the DD-out function. In appreciation of the heavenly song he composed, District administration honoured Lamkhohao Sitlhou, paralysed waist-downwards since 15 years, with the gift of a wheel-chair.

The Cynosure: The congregation was moved to tears when an emotion-choked Esther Sitlhou, who received the wheel-chair on dear daddy's behalf, before presenting the song of life, "Van Jerusalem Thah"' briefly recollected the pangs of pain her family had undergone following daddy's disability. Tears actually dropped when the voice that launched a thousand CDs coolly appealed to her audience that it will be sad for the specially able, after suffering infirmities on earth, to miss out on eternal rest with God in life thereafter. And that's possible only through being saved in Christ, she added.

The Motivating Factor : Disabilities are not a rare sight. There are all kinds of infirmities in our midst. It was Late Bunglienkung Hmar's heart-piercing composition, "New Heavenly Jerusalem " and the voice that popularized and endeared the promise of Revelation 21:4, "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying; neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away" When this author, in his responsibility as the chief administrator of Sadar Hills was getting hooked on the wording of the song mentioned above, it was time to get cracking with IED (Integrated Education for the Disable children) under SSA, Sadar Hills. As IED covered children from 6 to 18, a medical assessment camp was also conducted hurriedly, with the assistance of Directorate of health, at Kpi on 11 August, 2005, with the aged infirm in mind. More than 280 handicapped persons turned up. ZEO/Kpi and CMO/Kpi's staff had a tough-time arranging things for segregation of infirmity. Nevertheless, the job got done.

Moving Scenes: The Chief Guest of the occasion, Mr. Thangminlen Kipgen, Hon'ble Circle MLA, was visibly moved when Miss Hekhol Thomsong, a Polio-affected limping child of God, trudged her way up to present a shawl to him. In his speech, the Chief Guest appealed all and sundry to take a good care of the physically challenged around us. Some of the more sensitive among the concerned audience found it tough to hold back impulses to go wet in the eyes.

Heart-Stirring Scenes: Another scene of DD-Out that saddened every onlooker came when the last piece of Tri-Cycle was about to be handed out. One infirm child who wasn't supposed to get the last appliance sat on it and refused to be dragged out. With a heavy heart, the volunteers had to convince her about pre-assessment of disability which should be certified by a subject-specialist to be not less than 40% and that the beneficiaries' income shouldn't be less than Rs. 6500/- His Maker was glorified when a single-handed Lalkhohen Chongloi effectively used the four fingers of his left hand both to hold the guitar chord and strum the strings with his small finger to follow the tune of a song. The viewers from near and far, weren't far from tears.

Breath-taking Break: After the day's proceedings, God's special children were invited to lunch with ADC, Kangpokpi. Some of them had to rush back home. Those who made it to the luncheon prepared with panache by Miss. Nengnou and friends had recipes that would spoil one's taste for ever to settle for nothing less. Bellies filled, a bus-load of the invitees were taken to Senapati to be welcomed with warmth by Mr. And Mrs. Prem Singh, DC/Senapati and Mr. And Mrs. Athem Muivah, ADM/Senapati. Pressure on time resulted in the spirited VSP's (Very special persons) inability to visit the picturesque Haipi village, the enchanting Mission compound and the pristine KVK, Hengbung. However, visit or no site-visit, the choice destinations would remain Wordsworth's "Yarrow the unvisited" to the blind.

Love-Aid-Concert: By 6:00 P.M. on 13th August, 2005, Kangpokpi was geared up for a musical blast to cheer up the VSPs of the day. The comperes, Lulun Touthang and Roseline Suantak put in inputs to enliven the show that ended late. The debutants, Akip Karong, Hoinu Vaiphei, Esther Kipgen, Salome, Tongkholen and Haoneo performed better than expected. They were the surprise items of the show of the year. However the professionals, Jeff Akai, Seiboi Tuboi, Neicy Singson, Hechin Haokip, MTC boys and Gugun's band were greeted with thundering applause that made the VSPs forget their plight for a few hours. For once, the otherwise quite Kpi was rocked with high-decibel Gospel music.

The Never-Ending Skit: MTC students presented a skit that carried a moving message and which was attentively watched by the VSPs. It's a little sad that the Gospel message of the evening, delivered to touch hearts, was greeted with a collective aashhh!. It was said, the good rain and the bad speaker do not know when to stop. That night, if the impatience of the audience could be deciphered, it would have read, “the good rain and the bad skit do not know when to stop”. Everyone has a streak of hedonism in him. Although no efforts were spared to offer free Gospel Musical entertainment, some resorted to stone-pelting and when asked about their dissatisfaction demanding more songs from more popular singers. Yeh dil mange more.

Spiritual Disability: It's easy to notice physical disability in others. But God looks at the heart. Adamic nature is inherent in every fallen man and woman. Unless saved by the blood of Jesus through confession of sin that usually results in forgiveness of sin. man by nature cannot do the good he wants to do and cannot avoid the evil he wants to avoid. Spiritual disability in us is something we should give a serious thought and strengthen the inner man to become an over-comer. On the other hand there are disables who are mentally able to do good and forsake evil. There are folks born with infirmities but who through unflinching faith in God, turn the disadvantages into an advantage. All that one needs to know is that there's a merciful God who creates every soul with a special purpose. One has to find out one's own core-competence and persistently work on it to achieve excellence in one's chosen field. God helps those who helps themselves.

Theme Song: The theme-song of Disables' Day-Out at Kangpokpi reproduced below for readers' benefit, which was penned with burden by this author, tells all succinctly. The song was recorded Music Plus, Aizawl by C. Lalhmingmawii as a part of the 2007-audio album, Go Gospel.


1 .Never say brother, you cannot hear.
For God in your mind His thought can share; Never say sister, you cannot see.
He blinds some that they may better see;
Ear or no ear, eye or no eye,
Who hears Him and mourns deep shall notdie.

Coz you can't hear, God puts inner ear,
Coz you can't see, your mind's made to peer; Coz you can't speak, hand-signs do the trick, Coz you can't walk, help isn't far to seek;
For all pangs of woe infirm limbs bore.
Don't feel bad, God loves you all the more.
2. He gives ears that we may hear His word,
He makes mind that we may know He's Lord; He creates hands that all men may serve Him, He gifts hearts that ev'ry soul may love Him; But we end up doing things not noble,
So; to do good, we are disable.

3. This terse life on earth is but test,
we curse fate, yet that He does is best;
Some get it good now to rue later,
Some are sad to rejoice thereafter;
If God makes you suffer to the core
T'day, it's coz He loves you all the more.

4. For them who have new life in Christ
Tho' they're now denied limb-movement free.
More than they that with no thought of Christ,
Move limbs at will, blessed they shall be
So, don't you feel sadly ill at ease
One day your suffering shall come to cease.
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