Colors and Their Meanings:

Red is the color of life force, materialism, passion and love. This color energises you and it can also put you in a romantic mood, depending on the shade of the color and the
environment. Red is also associated with anger, power and war. Ancient Romans used to dress their gods in this color. It's better to avoid this color in your bedroom since it can cause sleeping problems because this color is very energising. So red walls are too overwhelming for the bedroom, however you can use red decorations such as cushions or candles. People who wear red color clothes usually enjoy attention and like to stand out.
Grey is a neutral color which serves as a basis for other colors. It is the color of harmony and it represents
satisfaction as well as lack of opinion. People who have no real preferences and easily adopt like this color.
(Purple can be both warm and cool color) Purple color was always associated with the spiritual world and if the person has purple aura color it means that he/she has either spiritual thoughts or is connected to the spiritual world in some way. This color affects your nerve system positively and is a perfect color for healing.
Orange is associated with sun, happiness, creativity, success and energy. Orange positively affects your
mood and is very suitable for home decoration because it gives warmth to the living space. However, if you are an emotional person, itís better to avoid this color because it provokes deeper emotions. People who often wear orange color or live at home that is decorated with orange usually have a better appetite than others. Therefore if you are on a diet or you cannot control yourself when it comes to eating certain food, itís better to avoid this color. Itís also advisable to avoid this color in bedroom since it encourages eating at night.
This color is also considered the color of courage. It improves your analytical skills and encourages inter-
action with others. Some companies use this color in their offices to make people more social and to devel-
op their intelligence.
Yellow is associated with happiness and success. It represents freedom and intelligence as well as practicality. It strengthens your immune system and positively affects your nerve system as well as your whole body. This color, however, is the symbol of lies and jealousy. If used too much, it may cause you to feel irritated.

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