HTC Moreh refutes charges of collecting cheques

Moreh, February 26: The Hill Tribal Council (HTC), Moreh has rejected the allegations made by chairman and general secretary of the JAC of land owners affected by the construction of Integrated Check Post (ICP) at Moreh that the HTC and KNA had collected cheques from the land owners demanding 50% of the compensation money.

President of HTC, Moreh, Jangmang Haokip told mediapersons during a press conference held at the office of HTC today that the allegation made by the JAC chairman and secretary that the HTC, Moreh and KNA/KLA had demanded 50% of the compensation from each of the affected families is totally baseless. The fact can be ascertained by enquiring with the affected families themselves.

Jangmang Haokip said, the so- called chairman and secretary of JAC Semjathang Haokip and Ngamjathang Lungdim are at present in the custody of the UKLF. This has been confirmed by their wives.
He further pointed out that the said JAC was abolished in March, 2008. Therefore, Semjathang Haokip does not represent the affected families.

All that had been alleged and spoken by the captives were the will of their captors for reasons best known to themselves, the HTC president said.
The cheques issued by the DC, Chandel had been deposited with the UBI, Moreh. This can be confirmed by enquiring with the manager/deputy manager. The ICP affected families did not entrust Semjathang Haokip and Ngamjathang with taking up the affected families' cause. They do not represent the affected families, the HTC president Jangmang Haokip asserted.

In the meantime, the ICP affected families/Pattadars has submitted a memorandum to the Chief Secretary of Manipur.
The memorandum clarifies the complaint of ex-chairman Semjathang Haokip and ex-secretary Ngamjathang Lungdim of the defunct JAC in connection with the ICP, Moreh.

The memorandum stated that the JAC which was formed to represent the affected pattadars was abolished in March, 2008, and since then the HTC, Moreh has been entrusted with pursuing the compensations.
Therefore, the said JAC is non-existent and any complaint from the same should not be entertained in any case, the memorandum stated and urged authority to initiate necessary action for immediate release of the compensation without further delay.

The memorandum, said to have been signed by 110 affected pattadars, warned that further delay will aggravate the process of ICP because they will no longer accept the compensation after two days from today.

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