China eyeing Arunachal Pradesh: RSS chief

BHUBANESWAR, January 28 (ENS): President of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) Mohan Rao Bhagwat yesterday cautioned people against the evil designs of China.
Addressing a public gathering here, the RSS chief alleged that the increasing Maoist activities in the country was orchestrated by the neighbouring country. After forcible capture of Tibet, China succeeded in installing a Maoist government in Nepal. Now its focus is on Arunachal Pradesh, he added.

China is trying to create unrest in the country by funding and supplying arms and ammunition to the Red rebels. This is possible because of weak leadership at the Centre, he said and called upon people to remain alert. On his first visit to the State after taking charge from KS Sudarshan in March last year, Bhagwat said the Maoists who are claiming to be fighting for the cause of the poor and the downtrodden are taking the lives of the tribals and other backward people. They are never after the capitalists or the ruling political class, he added.
While there is a clamour for division of states, the RSS chief said reorganisation of states should be done on the basis on consensus. It is unfortunate that some leaders are resorting to violence for creation of separate states. Likening RSS with paramilitary forces, the RSS chief said the there are a lot of misgivings about the sangh and political parties have made deliberate attempts to defame the social organisation which is working for the Hindus and a strong nation.

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