Election dept launches website to ensure electoral transparency

IMPHAL, Dec.6: With a view to ensure transparency in matters connected with revision of Photo Electorla rolls and as per direction and guidelines of Election Commission of India, state election department has launched a website entitled http://webmail.nic.in/erms today.

The formal launching of the website was conducted by the PC Lawmkunga, chief electoral officer, Manipur in a simple function function held in his office chamber at Secteriat, South block Imphal this afternoon.

CEO Manipur while launching thevery website this afternon metnioned that using this website, any intending elector or public may log on to this website and may download as well as submit like form – 6 for inclusion of his/her name for the first time in the Roll or transfer of assembly constituency, form-7 for deletion of his/her name from roll or objection to entry of another election in the Roll form –8 for correction of his/her particular in the Roll or form 8-A for transfer his/her name from one polling station to another polling station within the same a/c.

And further through this website the people of state will now able to track the status of their form submitted by them and will be able to know the decision of the concerned electoral registration officer with regard to their form with reasons thereon.

Chief Electoral Officer PC Lawmkunga additional chief secretary government of Manipur said that develop of such software and making the CEO one of the first in Northeast region to developed such software and launch website throught the software for the convenient of public is most appreciate.

He further said that CEO with the blessing of chief election commission of India the state government is doing a lot of work to clean and make the electoral roll healthy state and as per now a special revision is going on aiming to publish a final report of the electoral roll on 5th January 2011, and further the concern is organising a reception program at Delhi by the government concern to received the 18 years crossed young people and there will present special gifts etc. and further for this purposed the state Manipur government had been requested to arrangement to create awareness campaign about the electoral roll in Manipur on this day with an objective not to left out any 18 years old youths in list of electoral roll and to ensure that they are empower to exercise their power in general election and other he added.

On today launching program of Chief Electoral Officer website entitle “http://webmani.nic.in/erms the official of CEO and NIC were also present during the simple function.

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