Stop ! Stop ! it’s over

By:- Ngamkhosei Haokip, Social Worker

Now-a days, Manipur is popular for frequent bandhs, blockades, general strikes and many other forms of agitations to the outsiders. Not only these, it is a land of many armed insurgent groups of different views ranging from the demand of sovereignty to communal struggles.

Manipur government has been facing these agitations from different sections of the society. Chief Minister Shri. Okram Ibobi Singh who is the head of this Government is wise enough to courageously solve these problems. He is not easily moved by any force. Election to Autonomous District Councils (ADC’s) in
Manipur are now being held after a gap of almost 30 years in spite of the objections from various interest groups. Although these elections are almost over many agitations like economic blockades along the lifelines, NH-39 and NH-53 of the people are still the process and the progress of these elections so far.

The economic blockade by the agitators against ADC elections is gradually becoming an agitation not
against the government, but against the livelihood of the people of this land. So, the agitators now need
to withdraw their movement immediately. STOP! STOP! The elections are almost over. You have
failed to halt them. They have already gone ahead of you. What are you still thinking about ? Don’t with
the Shadows.

Office buildings of the government are properties of the people. Burning of these infrastructures or any
sort of damages caused to them is condemnable. These infrastructures are there to help the people of
the area. What is the use of burning them ? Burning of these offices building would be the work of
senseless people who even an immolate themselves for nothing. So, the agitators need lo think more
before committing such crimes.

JAC of the State government employees have also been agitating for their demand for along period
of time. The agitation has caused many problems, not only to the government but also to the people.
Chief Minister O. Ibobi Singh has firmly and boldly declared that the areas of 6l Central Pay Commission
will not be made available to the State employees as his government is not in a position to bear it. So, the demand of government employees which cannot be afforded by the government is now questionable. The employees are better to sacrifice something for the government and for the people, So STOP! STOP!.

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