Khuga Dam will be commissioned from this year:Biren

Hueiyen News Service

Imphal, March 10: The water supply component of the Khuga Multi-Purpose Project in Churachandpur district will be launched on 13th of this month, informed state Irrigation and Flood Control (IFC) minister, N Biren in the house of the state Assembly during the question hour today.

Replying to a question raised by MLa N Mangi of CPI in the treasury bench, the minister also said that government is on hectic efforts to commission the project within the current year 2010. Out of 50 meter long right canal of the irrigation component of the project, the construction works for 20 meter has completed. Seventy percent of the installation works of power generation component has also completed, Biren informed saying that the completion of the multi-purpose project is nearing.

In reply to another question raised by opposition MLA Ng Bijoy of MPP, PHED minister, TN Haokip said that the issue of cheques from the personnel account in the public health engineering department was for the emergency purpose. Department will do its best not to repeat the matter in future.

Raising the question, Ng Bijoy asked the house whether it was true that the Executive Engineer of PHED issued personnel cheques of bills for the contractors and insisted to rectify it as it is out of rule.
The installation works of the 33/11 KV sub-station at Kakwa will be started from early part of 2010-11 with an estimated cost of Rs 426 lakh, said power minister, Phungjathang Tonsing in reply to the question raised by MLA O Joy.

The improvement works of the Mahadev-Tolloi-Pfutsero is progressing with a target to complete by February 2010, work minister, K Ranjit giving reply to a question raised by MLA, Khashim Ruivah.
Khashim also drew the attention of the authority to look into the matter of allotment of oil and cement saying that some problems surfaced in the allotment.

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