CCpur fire victims consoled

S Singlianmang Guite

Lamka, Mar 10 : The ten families of Vaisuon village whose houses were smouldered to ground yesterday have received one quintal each of rice today from the district administration as well as clothing and other daily essential commodities from the district philanthropic organisations.
The assistance from the district administration rolled up as Jacintha Lazarus, the district’s Deputy Commissioner visited them today while the philanthropists’ aid reached them since late yesterday. Initial assessment of yesterday’s devastation was estimated to cost over 15 lakhs.
During her visit to the village, Lazarus is understood to have promised the victims her utmost co-operation in rebuilding their houses besides consoling them.

Official records show that more than a dozen cases of fire razing due to ill equipped fire department have occurred since January with at least three cases of forest/bush fire in the district. Managing their duty barely with a mini-fire-tender-truck, inside sources in the fire department said they were struggling to contain cases such as yesterday’s one with the sole tender available to them to control forest fire that threatened to consume the entire village when the emergency call from Vaisuon was received. Forest and bush fire threatening to engulf human dwelling is a common phenomenon here during this period of a year with many of the cases going unreported. The latest being the charring of the entire forest reserve of Mata Mualtam village near Khuga Dam a week back and the incident near Lhangjol village yesterday. In both the cases the rubber pipe that supplies water to the villages has been shattered though it could be contained before reaching the village.

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