43.27% had pre-marital sex in Mizoram: Survey

Aizawl | March 10 : According to the latest survey done by a church body in Mizoram, 43.37 % had revealed that they had pre-marital sex. The survey was done to 31,202 persons across the state. Dr. Robert S Halliday, Coordinator of Synod Social Front in the Mizoram Synod said. The main reason for the Synod Social Front (SSF) of the Mizoram Synod, the largest church organisation in Mizoram, to conduct such survey had been to eradicate the practice of pre-marital sex in Mizoram.
The SSF said that out of the total 31,202 people asked whether they had experienced sex before marriage, 13,501 (43.27%) had responded that they had sex before marriage while 16,500 (52.88%) revealed that they had not experienced sex before marriage while1201 persons which is 3.85% of the total respondent refused to reply.

On the question of ‘pre-marital sex: Is it morally right or wrong’, 87.43% had said that it is morally wrong while 9.8% revealed that pre-marital sex is not morally wrong and they have no problem in it, according to the church body.
In the meantime, it has been reported that there are 500 Mizo sex videos circulating in the state but the genuine number orginated from Mizoram is only 50, said the survey. Churches and the social organisations in Mizoram are taking measures to reduce the numbers of premarital sex as it is morally wrong in every society. A local resident of Aizawl informed NNN that premarital sex not only harm the future of the people indulged but also the parents indirectly. Awareness campaign should be organised frequently so that youngster could live a free and morally good future, said Thanga, a shopkeeper in Aizawl.

Meanwhile, Aizawl-based Shalom, an organisation working for the reduction of HIV/AIDS in its survey had found out that viewing pornographic pictures and other 'bad pictures' among high school and college students is increasing in Mizoram. Officials at Shalom indeed urged the people of Mizoram and the church to fight against the pornography. One social activist is of the opinion that the arrival of mobile phones in Mizoram has been the main reason for the youths increasing in viewing pornography. Easy access to pornographic sites in cyber cafes offering adult contents have also another factors leading to an addiction to pornography among youths in Mizoram.

43.27% had pre-marital sex in Mizoram: Survey

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