CBI questions KYKL leader

IMPHAL, Mar 20: In connection with the murder of Wangba of KYKL at Gurgaon sometimes back, CBI has interrogated commander- in-chief of the proscribed outfit Ninthoujam Tomba alias Koireng alias Rajen who was arrested by a team of Imphal East District Police Comman-dos from Khaprail Bazar of Siliguri on March 14.
According to a reliable source from the State Police Department, an official team of CBI from New Delhi came down to Siliguri and interrogated Tomba in connection with the murder of Wangba in Gurgaon some years back. The source, however, declined to divulge more information on the interrogation.
It may be recalled here that commander-in-chief Tomba alias Koireng alias Rajen was arrested along with three women from a place in Khaprail Bazar of Siliguri on March 14. He is expected to be brought back to Imphal after March 25, the source added.

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