Kuki bodies denounce random firing

Imphal, May 09: THE KUKI Students’ Organisation (KSO) and Kuki Women Movement for Human Rights have denounced the random firing of gun by police commando personnel attached to the Sugnu Police station on the night of May 7.

Speaking to reporters today at Sugnu Tribal, Lalboi Haokip, the general secretary of KSO Sugnu Block said that the commando personnel attached to the Sugnu Police had opened fire indiscriminately at several places in the area on the night of May 7 which sent shockwave to the people of the area.

Lalboi Haokip said that Sugnu has become an important education centre for the surrounding villages with around 3000 students staying there. He said such indiscriminate firing will have negative impact upon the students’ community and it was very much detrimental to the education environment.

He also appealed the newly posted team of commando personnel at the Police station to know the sentiment of the people and refrain from following their predecessors’ footsteps.

Meanwhile, talking on the sideline, Kuki Women’s Movement for Human Rights president Lunniang said that the officer of the Sugnu Community Health Centre doesn’t attend office most of the time.

She added that the CHC is lacking staffs to couple the woes of the people. Lunniang pointed out that the CHC is totally paralysed while urging the concerned authority to address the issue and provide it with emergency service facility.Lunniang further warned that if not the grievances of the people are not addressed by May 30, the CHC will be picketed.


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