KSO pleads against Govt order | UTLA Refutes

Lamka, Jan 17: Pledging their unstinted support to the ATSUM’s year-long demand, the Kuki Students’ Organisation today requested the officers who have been posted as Executive Director DRDA, in the hill districts, not to report to their new place of posting until the matter is amicably resolved.

“Officers who choose to ignore this request can do so at their own risk,” warned the student body clearly indicating that the responsibilities should fall on the SPF Government and the officers concerned in case any untoward incident arises out of it.

The KSO further warned that the tribal students will be constrained to resort to any means deemed appropriate in their fight for ‘what is right.’ Launching of agitation is never a favorable option; but when the SPF Government chooses to be blinded solely by political consideration and the interest of the rural mass are trampled, the tribal students are left with no choice, it said.

The student body also expressed surprise over the Chief Minister ignoring his inner voice or conscience unlike the INC President Sonia Gandhi. The Chief Minister has allowed himself to be taken in by some Shylocks in his Cabinet; thus sacrificing the interest of the ‘Aam Aadmi,’ it alleged. Any attempt to politicise the DRDA will be opposed tooth and nail, it added.

UTLA refutes

IMPHAL, Jan 17 : Reacting to a press statement issued by 28 AR and 5 AR that K Khongsai and Ngamkholal Singson were its activist and advisor, the United Tribal Liberation Army (UTLA), through a press release issued by its information and publicity secretary Anaconda, has clarified that the outfit does not have any link with the said two individuals.
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