ECI Chandel District Fellowship 2011 held at Langching

By: Lunminthang Haokip
The Origin: Evangelical Church of India, Chandel District was better known as LAKBA -Lonpi Area Kuki Baptist Association in the past. The Lonpi area-specific Church Association covered over 60 Kuki Churches in the southern part of Chandel District in the fifties, sixties and seventies of the last century. Its geographical extent stretched from New Samtal in the south-east corner of Manipur to Aihang village near Waikhong. My late dad, Ngamjathang Haokip, was the Superintendent Pastor of LAKBA for more than a decade.

LAKBA Laurels: In the 1965 Tuyang Vaichong KBC Golden Jubilee celebration, LAKBA choir was adjudged as the best choir. "Loupi Chungnung", the winning choir-number was well-appreciated and was recorded in AIR, Imphal. My dad led the team. I was eight years old then, and had to be carried on the back all the way. We had to travel all the up-hill terrain across Koubru hills from Kangpokpi to T.Vaichong on foot. In the nineteen hundreds, the erstwhile LAKBA Churches split on clannish and denominational lines. About 20 Churches of the said region are presently knitted together under ECI, Chandel District, as remnants.
(ECI Chandel Dist HQ Church Building at Lanching Village)
The Head Quarter: The Head Quarter of LAKBA was shifted from Y.Thingkangphai village to Langching village in 1971 due to reasons best known to the concerned parties. Late Pastor Tongkhojam Baite and Pastor Lalkhokhup worked in tandem with my dad. Rev. Onthong Haokip is the District Superintendent of ECI, Chandel District, now. The support staff includes Rev. Holkholet Baite (DS/Churches), L. Yangkholun Khongsai (Secrtary), Yampu Mate (Secy/Finance), Jamkhomang (Chairman/MS), Shotil, (Chairman EYF) and Yangsei Haokip (Chairman). The ECI leaders function in close proximity to one another as a family in an atmosphere of mutual trust.

5th Triennial and 35th Fellowship: ECI 5th Triennial and 35th Fellowship will be hosted by the HQ church, Langching, located on a picturesque hillock near Sugnu town about 75 Kms south of Imphal on the bank of Imphal river. The eagerly-awaited Gospel meeting will commence from the evening of 3rd February, 2011 and will close in the night of the 6th February, 2011. The 82 MGNREGS households of Langching are presently fully engaged in Fellowship event-related activities in the run-up to the triennial bash.

The Choir: LAKBA choir was known for its lively vocals. The trend has been kept alive by the successive ECI Choir members. The 70 odd Gospel singing group who had a week's practice at L. Thinglhangphai village in the 2nd week of December last year, are all set to rock the Fellowship audience, come Feb 3rd, this year. Mr Jeff Akai and Lhainei Haokip, who are popular Gospel crooners in Manipur and NW Myanmar, will present solo numbers throughout the services.

The Speakers: This Author had been given the awesome responsibility of delivering four messages on 1. Christianity and Globalization 2.Christ and Chief-ship 3. Carrying the Cross across ASEAN and 4. Give youth the Truth. His turn to take the pulpit will begin right from the inaugural service in the evening of 3rd February and will continue till the noon meeting of 4th February. The last message will be delivered in the closing service in the last congregation of 6th Feb, 2011.

The Guest Speaker: Rev, Dino Touthang, the New Delhi-based CEO, Habitat for India, International had been invited to preach on "Where will you spend your eternity", The globe-trotting chief HFI-functionary will take the Fellowship pulpit over from this Blogger from the evening worship service of 4th February. The Chaplain of Kuki Worship Service(KWS), Delhi, will sermon 5 times in successive gatherings till the morning of 6th Feb, 2011 on the same theme. As a parting shot, the Reverend is going to deliver a "Missionary Challenge" sermon in the noon session of 6th Feb.

The Field: The times are bad and unpredictable. The odds are aplenty. The soils are hard. Sowers are few. Levity and the pull of the glam-world slows down the pace of spiritual progress. The Gospel had gone global but our priorities are local. Life is good but multitudes are not in the attitude of prayer and worship. The bitter truth is that the collective voice of YWAM - Youth with a mission - is throttled by that of YWNM - Youth with No Mission.

Prayer Request: ECI Chandel District, Manipur, India, sends forth a request to you all Blog-followers, Facebook Friends and KFI Netters kindly to pray passionately for all the prospective participants in the said Fellowship bash, the Choirs, Soloists and the Speakers that the seed to be sown may bear abundant fruit of blessing. You can surely help us fight the big battle on your knees. May god bless you all.

By: Lunminthang Haokip

1. God told Adam not to eat the fruit,
Eve got sold on lies that hid the Truth;
Win for Satan, heaven was saddened,
Sin of Eden gave men a burden;
The good that he wants, he cannot do,
The evil he hates, he cannot spew.

We do what we like and guilt we get,
We rue o’er our lot and for sin fret;
The Word is grave but the world’s naive,
The Lord in Love calls His own to save;
Coz God wants to sin in all dispel,
The old Gospel is going global.

2. To the globe’s ends His trained the Lord sent,
That them who grope and faint may repent;
The Spirit moves, good- spell goes global,
Here creed dupes and Gospel goes tribal;
It’s time to re-link self with soul’s thirst,
Let’s rethink and put things of God first.

3. Crises have men bold, led down and fall,
Jesus loves souls and shed blood for all,
That all who life had pained to lose hope,
May come back to Him and regain hope;
That at home the Good News each may get,
God made Word go global in the net.

About author

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