Republic Day Celebration, Moreh BHQ, Manipur

Moreh, Jan 26:  Moreh Block: 109 Kms east of Imphal, on the fringe of Myanmarese border, there lies an unique town that transacts a daily business more voluminous than that meets the eye. Census of India, 2011, engaged 63 Enumerators and 14 Supervisors in the later part of 2010. 59 MGNREGS and 40 odd hamlet villages constitute Moreh Block. The only eastern corridor of India to ASEAN is yet to gain a Sub-divisional or a Sub-district status. Moreh is the Block head quarter and the centre of official and non-official activities.

Republic Day, 2011: As usual, like diesel engine in winter, the residents of the border town began to warm up and saunter towards the ADC/Moreh's office premises at 08:15 a.m. School and service parade parties formed up at the same time. The Asst. Commandant of 7 Manipur Rifles, Moreh had been taking pains to spruce up the saluting base and conduct March Past rehearsals in a couple of the preceding days. The base of the flag post in front of the present office of ADC, Moreh had been shifted at a better vantage point.

The Parade: The Chief Guest, this Author, was called to unfurl the National Flag at 8:50 a.m. Along with the SDPO/Moreh, he inspected the Guard of honour that had the AC/7 MR as its commander. Service contingents of MR, Manipur Police and students of Moreh Higher Sec, Eastern Shine H/School, NM School, St George H/School, Moreh College and an ASHA group saluted the CG as they paraded past the saluting base. They were cheered as they turned right in unison towards the podium.

The R-day Speech. In the fitness of things, in my speech, I made the implication of the Preamble of Indian Constitution easy. Thanks to the sagacious and succinct but potent wording of the preamble, successive leaders of democratic India had adhered to the targetted ideologies. Any attempt to challenge the sovereignty of our country had been firmly dealt with. no external force or nation has the right to dictate terms to our rulers. The succesive nuclear tests were audible signals to the world that India is on its own. We are not known as the largest democracy for nothing.

Socialist Republic: Our Constitutional fathers kept poor India in mind. The ramifications of capitalism had been kept in check by socialistic planning. Nehruji started the first 5 year plan. It continues to date. Today we reap the benefits of socialistic agenda in the form of BRGF and MGNREGS etc. The means of production was controlled in the Pre-Liberalization era. Our economy grew slowly but surely. The economic growth percentage rate had crossed two digit figures.It, up to a certain extent, ensured equitable distribution of national wealth.

True Freedom: Agreed that the Freedom Fighters, through sacrificial shedding of sweat and blood, brought about political freedom. We are still struggling to attain economic freedom. But what about freedom from greed, from hatred and from fear? These are the hurdles that free India must strive to overcome. Human nature being what it is, true freedom is found only in the bondage of God. man can give all the worldly freedoms but soulical and spiritual freedom, that empowers one to do good as one desires and shun evil at will, can only be given by God.

Truth Frees: John 8:32 says, "You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free". What or who is the truth? None else but Jesus could say without batting an eyelid, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life(John 14:6". He is the way to spiritual liberty, the only Truth that is completely true and the One who can give eternal life. Unless we have Him as our Lord and personal saviour, we are under bondage. Let us seek his mind and will to be fully free. any other truth that denies Christ will lead to crisis and habitual enslavement.
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