Journalists take out rally in Manipur

Imphal, Oct 28 : Manipur journalists today staged a protest here to protest threat by militants.
Since Tuesday night, scribes had ceased work and hence no newspapers hit the stand for the second day today.

Scribes today staged the protest rally from the Press Club and marched towards the Chief Minister's office.
A memorandum was submitted by the All Manipur Working Journalists Union (AMWJU) to the chief minister requesting assistance in resolving the crisis.

After submitting the memorandum the scribes assembled at Keishampat and staged a sit in protest.
The scribes have decided to continue the sit in protest until the matter was resolved.

For the entire month of October, newsmen had been facing pressures from militants to publish their news items and two groups had been asking the media houses to publish only their side of the story.

On October 17 last, all journalists had ceased work to discuss the matter organised by All Manipur Working Journalists' Union (AMWJU) at Press Club.

Another meeting was also held yesterday. Kangleipak Communist Party (Mobile Task Force-Kesho Meetei) cadres were allegedly involved in pressuring the scribes.
Cadres of the outfit also reportedly visited some media offices in Imphal and threatened the editors.

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