CHAVANG KUT: Salient Features.

1. What is Chavang Kut (CK) : Its an Autumn Festival to herald the arrival of a bountiful crops after harvest.Its marked by rejoicing through dancing,drinking, sporting,feasting & unitary spirit (Hiche ni hileh Haosa pa lienkou khu kingapnan neijong lechun,khoh saponte.Nidang hivang leh,salam nasat thei ahi ! )

2. Purpose of CK : The purpose of celebrating CK is to propitiate the deities for their blessings of a bountiful
harvest of varied crops of the year after months of much toil.( Implication: We were acutely aware that there exist a Force that controls Nature ).

3. Who celebrate CK :
CK is celebrated since ages by the Chin-Kuki-Mizo ethnic people.These people are today spread out in North-East India,Myanmar & the Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh.1st Nov. has been declared as State Holiday in Manipur by Govt.of Manipur since 1982 because of its inherent value & virtue of Unity,Love & Reverence for elders.( Today,these values seems to be on the wane,I wish I’m wrong.)

4. Types of Kut : Common/popular Kut Festivals are- Chavang Kut,Mim Kut,Pawl Kut,Gaa Masa Kut,Lom Kut.Other Kuts & their area of dominance/ celebration may be added. ( Dream Start: Kukis of Nagaland may take up with Govt.of Nagaland to get CK/ Mim Kut as State Holiday ).

5. The Kut Day : The Village Spokesperson (Lhangsam Pa)pitches his voice in the early morning to the villagers,chanting the evil spirits to leave the village.Thereafter,Thempu Pa ( Village Priest ) presided & offer a( white?)cock’s blood on the alter to the deities.He also offered “ Ju” ( Rice Whisky ! ) to the Village Chief,Eldest villager followed by the men & women folk through doontung (straw pipe).After this holy rituals,outdoor activities began. During the whole day,there were display of cultural & sporting contest, concluded by village feast all held in the coutyard of the village Chief !

6. Kut Day Dress :
For Women Folk - Bilkam (earring), Soumkowl Chao (bangle),Sam kisom (hairstyle),
Ponchoul ve (longi from chest downward).For Menfolk - Tuhsam kisom (hair-style),Delkop (head band with bird’s feathers),Boitong Sangkhol (waist coat),Pheichoum (longi tied at the waist )etc.

7. Kut Sports : Siel kal (high jump over a big mithun !!),Kibod (wrestling),Gopum jolpet kiphut chunga kijut touna (angling up over well-oiled bamboo post) etc.followed by cultural activities like Lamkowl dance,(merry-go-round dance),Suhta Lam,(bamboo dance),Gosem Lam (duet show of jhum cultivation ?) Kaang kap,etc.Drinking spree & feasting wind up the hectic extravaganza.(Jubel lentah,mi sangsom donthei dol siemma,Guiness Record na..................

8. Underlying Spirit of Kut : CK showed Unity,Love,Reverence for elders,combativeness & spirit of unfettered Freedom within the village.We also realised the importance of thanks-giving to the unseen Force,who can supplement all our needs.We were God-fearing Nation since time immemorial. We celebrate those Kuts today as a repository of cultural heritage with the hope that we draw lessons thereon in our fast crumbling citadal of life. So, Kut Festivals are very much relevant even today. A Nation bereft of its cultural past will not bind us together in this fast changing modern life.

Hence,let the show goes on till the end of time. Long live the various Kuts & those who swear by it.

Tahchapa keima,
IDES. Nagpur.

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