SoO process marches on, positive response to dialogue proposal

Imphal, Sep 23 : Inaugurating a designated camp of KNF formally at Natheljang along Koubru Range of Sadar Hills in Senapati district today, Chief Secretary DS Poonia has informed that political leaders have given positive feedbacks to the suggestions for initiating political dialogues with the Kuki UG groups which are signatories of Suspension of Operation (SoO). Speaking at the occasion, DS Poonia described the inauguration of the designated camp of KNF as historic and said that there has been considerable pro-gress in the tripartite talks involving the Centre, the State Government and the Kuki UG groups under the umbrella bodies of UPF and KNO since it came into effect from August 2008.

Observing that formation of Joint Monitoring Group (JMG) has served its purpose effectively, the Chief Secretary, who is also the chairman of the Joint Monitoring Group (JMG), said that it helps in establishing communication link with the UG groups to understand their likes and dislikes as well as in preventing these groups from violating the laid down ground rules of SoO. Informing that the next round of the tripartite talks would be held at New Delhi on September 29, the Chief Secretary disclosed that the talks would be participated by representatives of UPF, KNO, Union Ministry of Home Affairs and State Government and it would discuss the extension of SoO period. The Chief Secretary also informed that political leaders have been apprised to initiate political dialogue with the SoO signatory UG groups and the leaders are quite satisfied with the progress so far.

It may be noted here that in all 18 Kuki UG groups under the UPF and KNO have become signatories to SoO. The Camp Ebenezer of KNF which was inaugurated formally today is among 10 designated camps of SoO signatory Kuki UG groups to be set up. 147 KNF cadres will be staying in Camp Ebenezer and their weapons numbering 49 have already been kept under double-lock in the camp. Leaders of Kuki social organisations, SP of Senapati district, local MLA, ex-MLAs and representatives of KNO and UPF were also present at the inaugural function marked by presentation of cultural dances by KNF cadres. At the occasion, the Chief Secretary handed over the sanction order for construction of a community hall inside the camp premise. He also announced that MDS would be taking up necessary construction work for supplying potable water and installation of solar energy lamps in all the designated camps.

~ The Sangai Express

Stage being set for political dialogue with Kuki UGs: DS Poonia

IMPHAL, Sep 23: The Chief Secretary of Manipur, DS Poonia, who is also the chairman of the Joint Monitoring Group (JMG) today disclosed that the state government has apprised the political leaderships about the current outcome of the Suspension of Operation (SoO) with the Kuki militants, so as to create room for starting a political dialogue at the earliest.

The Chief Secretary stated this during the inaugural function of the designated camp “Ebenezer” of the Kuki National Front (KNF) at Natheljang in Sadar Hills. The camp was today inaugurated officially by DS. Poonia.

Further, the chief secretary said that the result of the political dialogue will be known after tripartite talks due to be held on September 29 this year at New Delhi. DS. Poonia further maintained that the political leaderships were satisfied with the current outcome of the pact signed between the Kuki militants, adding he hoped that the dialogue would soon come into effect within the next few months.

At the same time the Chief Secretary contended that the proposed tripartite talks in New Delhi would also discuss infrastructural development to improve the designated camps located at different parts of the state, and also the cadres.

In the meantime, the Chief Secretary also handed over a package for building a community hall at the Ebeneger camp which will be constructed by the Manipur Development Society.
The General Secretary of the KNF, Aaron Kipgen, while delivering his welcome address said that the fact that cadres were able to settle at one place and open a peace camp after over 23 years of struggle, was considered a positive political step of the outfit and the Kuki people.

The inauguration function was attended by various Kuki civil bodies like the KNP, Kuki Chief Association and prominent Kuki leaders like Dr. Satkai, Rose Mangsi Kipgen, and Lhingjaneng Gangte, a former member of the Manipur Women’s Commission.

Among Kuki politicians, Thangminlen Kipgen, the Chairman of HAC, Saitu MLA Haokholet Kipgen, and former minister Ngamthang Haokip also attended the inaugural function. Moreover, MDC members of Sadar Hills/Kangpokpi ADC including the ADC chairman Sadar Hills, Seipu also took part in the inauguration programme.

At the same time, the Chairman of the United People’s Front (UPF), Thanglenpao Guite and President of the Kuki National Organisation (KNO), P.S Haokip also attended the function.

Unveiling of the inauguration stone by the Chief Guest, cultural dance presentation by various groups including the KNF cadres, musical extravaganza, speeches from many social leaders etc. marked the inauguration ceremony of the camp.

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