Editor Henga Lekhathot

Dear Sir,
Very recently, I came across on the news papers of the country that every where in our state, the electoral & Census Departments had done something which is not permitted by the constitution of India. The villages located in the bordering areas of the hill districts and valley districts to named a few as an example viz; Aihang, Chothe Khunou, Nungkangching, K. Phailen etc. in Chandel District were enumerated by both Thoubal District and Chandel District in the electoral revisions as well as general census conducted in the past many decades. And now they got dual Citizenships or dual electoral rights which is totally against the Peoples' Representation Act, 1950 as well as the Census Act 1948 but why and by whom? The same has been done by the Govt. Agency/Agencies.

Therefore the State Government should stop its unjustified policy over this matter once and for all in order
to avoid unnecessary district border problems in the state. The General Census is the data of population
showing indigenous citizens of the country' a state & Electoral revision is meant to deletions, transposition and enfranchisement of citizens of the country. Both the exercises are not related to alteration of district boundaries of any state. The boundary of any district with another one is different issue which is related to revenue Deptt. of the state of the country. So please let us not ever mess-up these things in the days to come.
Lastly, but not the least the Government should understand that it's illegal to issue dual electoral/dual citizenships under both the departments of Election Commission of India and Census Department; and
stringent action be taken up to those officia.1 enticing innocent tribal peoples across their districts borders. There canĂ­t be district borders within its borders or beyond its borders; borders are but borders which are
clearly defined once and for all. The overlapping of district boundaries in the state indicates that there is
no co-ordination among the officialdom of the state as such the Government is responsible for the same

CH. Haokip, Sugnu
      Social Worker

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