US President Obama Hinkho thusim chomcha vetlhah na

Vannoiya hin milen milal tamtah anaum in hinlah United States a president hi ding hi kithangat umtah leh min ajapen khat jong ahi in ahi. United States chamlhat ahung hi akon in tuni chan'in president hi 44 alhin'a ahinalaiyin ahi. Gal len nina (World War II) jou apat in US hi vannoiyin akichatpen leh ajapen chu ahitan ahi. Masang'a chu Soviet Union hi vannoiyin akichat pen ahin hinlah World War II jouvin Soviet bahkai nanoiya gam um jousen chamlhat amugam phat uva masang a bang'a thahatna ananeijou lou u ahitai.

Tu tua hi US in thahatna (power) achoi ahitai. Gam power choikhat a president hiding chu igel teng iti thanop um hitam? Hijeh chun tuhin 44 channa US president Barack Obama hinkho thusim chomcha bannei tah in veuhite.

Tu tua US President Barack Obama amintah ahileh Barack Hussein Obama Jr. ahi in Lhajing nisim 4, 1961 kum in Honolulu, Hawaii (USA) mun ah anapeng in ahi. Amahi anu sapkang te ahi in apa ahileh Kenya, mivom te ahi. Chukit leh amahi mivom holah a (African-American).

American president masapen jong ahi. Achesa 1992 kum chun Michelle Robinson toh ana kicheng'in tuhin chanu 2, Malia Ann (1998) leh Sasha (2001) toh achengkhom uvin ahi. Ama hi Christian insung akon'a hung kisei len ahin ama denomination ahileh United Church of Christ ahi. Amahi lekha themtah ahi in chuleh lekha jih themtah jong ahi in ahi. Ama hinkho thusim ìDreams From My Father' (2006) ajih akon'in Grammy Award ana mu in ahi.

Barack Obama hi dum (cigarette) chep hat tah mi ahi in ajinu, Michelle hasei najal'in president post atet ding konna campaign abol masang chun dum anachep ho angatan ahi. Amahi Democratic candidates ahiye.

Achesa 2008 kum chun 'The Audacity of Hope' ajih akon in Grammy Award anina ding'in kipaman ana sangkit in ahi. Ama president ahung hi in ama masang'a koiman anabol khah lou houlim aneiding ni in Muslim ho jong akou in ahi. 2009 kum in Nobel Prize ana sangíin ahi. Hitobang Nobel Prize sang hi US president a dinga amahi 4 channa ahitan ahi. Ama masang chun Theodore Roosevelt (1906), Woodrow Wilson (1919) leh Jimmy Carter (2002) hon jong Nobel Prize ana sang uvin ahi.

Colleges/Universities akai naho : 
Occidental College
Columbia University
Harvard Law School

Occupation or Profession:
Community Organizer

Other Offices or Commissions :
United States Senator from Illinois (1/3/05-11/16/2008)
Member of the Illinois Senate from the 13th District (1/8/1997-11/4/2004)
Achenna mun : Chicago, Illinois (Private)

President Barack Obama Timeline ho veu hite :
1961 : Barack Hussein Obama II was born August 4, 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii.
1967-1971 : Attended schools in Indonesia.
1971-1979 : Attended school in Honolulu.
1979-1981 : Studied at Occidental College for two years.
1981-1983 : Graduated from Columbia University.
1985-1988 : Obama worked as Director of the Developing Communities Project (DCP).
1988 : Entered Harvard Law School.
1991 : Obama graduates Juris Doctor (J.D.) magna cum laude from Harvard Law School and returns to Chicago.
1992 : Married Michelle Robinson.
1992-2004 : Obama served as a professor at the University of Chicago Law School.
1995 : Obama publishes his manuscript 'Dreams from My Father'.
1998 : Daughter Malia Ann was born.
2001 : Daughter Sasha was born.
1997-2004 : Member of the Illinois Senate from the 13th District.
2005-2008 : United States Senator from Illinois.
2009 : Inaugurated as the 44th President of the United States on January 20, 2009.
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