Roads dug up at RIMS road for Sewerage Project

Confident TN Haokip sets 2010 deadline

IMPHAL, Jul 28: PHE Mi-nister TN Haokip has in- formed the Assembly today that laying of pipeline for Sewerage Project along RIMS road would be com-pleted within this year.

Responding to a question raised by MLA L Nandakumar during the question hour of the Assembly today, the Minister said that of the R.M 1,273.82 pipeline to be laid along this road, work on laying R.M 533.23 have been completed so far. The work is being taken up by five contractors. The damages caused to the road would be repaired by PWD while PHED would take over the responsibility of constructing the side drain.

To a question put up by MLA Khangthuanang Pan-mei, PWD Minister K Ranjit said there is no question of disconnectivity among Ta-menglong-Tamei road, No- ney-Kajinglong Road and Noney-Haochong Road. During 2007- 08, Rs 8,99, 94,597 had been sanctioned under SPA for construc-tion of IT Road. The work has been completed and Rs 867.68 lakh have been expended. For repairing of road, another Rs 66.86 crores had been sanctioned under NEC funding and process is underway for inviting work tender.

To another question from the MLA, CADA Minister Ph Parijat said that judicious use and timely supply of water to the farmers from the irrigation projects is the objective and implementation policy of CADA.

Responding to a question of MLA Dr Ng Bijoy, Minister Parijat informed the House that of the target of irrigating 28,745 hectares of agricultural land, irrigation network have already been made for supply water to 15,550 hectares and 2608 pucca canals have been constructed.

To a question from MLA M Prithiviraj, Minister Parijat, who is also in charge of Health and Family Welfare said that there are in all 30 staff including five medical officers in CHC Moirang. Nine developmental works are also being taken up in the CHC under NRHM.

To a question asked by MLA T Hangkhanpao, Education Minister L Jayantakumar informed the House that construction of the main building, hostel and teachers’ quarters of Singhat Government High School have been completed at an estimated cost of Rs 7,46,98,47 and necessary payments have been made.

Responding to a question of MLA N Mangi, Minor Irrigation Minister N Loken said that plans are afoot for construction of 165 RLI schemes, dams and pick-ups under AIBP during financial years 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 in all the Assembly Constituencies of hills and valley. The total estimated cost for all these projects is Rs 14,587.05 lakhs.
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