“Does the KUKIS need a revolution or not?”

~ MK. C’loiz Thadou

Is it already a high time for us, can we stray away from our rights or ancestral heir. Is it illegal, obscene or overcharge to claim ours? Obviously, by this time now, what the other community had sticked to it or made sacrifice is to be made clear and understood. We can’t and aren’t opposed to anybody’s claimed or revolution and one should not opposed ours too. Till this days, the Kukis a group of tribes having and
sharing similar customs, traditions and dialects surviving in some state of North-East India and some parts of the South-East Asian countries are not secured and developed upto the stage of the rights and verdicts where
every people in each corner of the world had enjoyed by now. It is not a robust or ingennine statement rather itís a fact known to all in the region. Once again, Manipur hovers up again by the long run insurgency of the Naga Socialist Council of Nagalim-Isak Muivah (NSCN-IM).

A tension grows, in the long-run it is absolute to traumatized and turns chronic where innocent women and children would be the most miscrable at the time and in the aftermath irrespective of all the groups. How many life would be spare in the battle for pursuing the land and the victor would suffer as much as the vanquish . What would it yields or what was the bargain? One is ensuring their settlement for security and the other for their jurisdiction. As one is born; whoever it be with the right to safeguard their own land or property.
If a land is occupy by a mixture of different races, it is better to divide the land as the father of some
children does to avoid chaos and enmity further in the future. If the land being a single racist-zone, there’s no difficulty in safeguarding or authorizing their land. But what would have been in the case of Manipur where different groups of people survived in the land. Two major tribal groups i.e. Naga Kuki dominating
the hilly areas and as the Meetei being the majority dominated all the valley districts of Manipur densely. Despite a separate autonomous state for the Nagas i.e. Nagaland, the Naga’s insurgency NSCN-IM are demanding a separate autonomous state from Manipur.

On the other hand, the so-called Kukis who lay scattered in most of the north-eastern states of India seek for a separate autonomous region and the Meetei who owned the state Manipur are demanding for an independent from the clutches of India to regain their ancestral rights.

Whom do you think is the most appropriate and an endangered one. All of them have the right to proclaim
their dominant land. As for the Nagas, they started a revolution years back in the 50’s; but we know not what is the main reason behind. It was revealed only when the NSCN-IM and GOI plunged onto a peace talk for more than a decades back.

For instance, the Meetei revolutionaries are desperately striving for their sovereignty as claimed that they
had an Independent Kingdom since time begot! However, as far as the Kukis are concerned; they are
the most vulnerable amongst them. As they don’t have a separate state or autonomous region, they are confronting a quit notices, ethnic clashes, militant threat, etc. As a result, thousands people died, hundreds of villages burn to ash, leaving their home and refuging to the barren or unknown land for safety. All these terribly affect their population stability and economy of the people. They are confronting all these unbearable hardship in one of the world’s largest democratic country i.e. India. One such example was the quit notice served by the NSCN-IM in the 90ís where 1,000 people were slaughter and more than 600 villages burn to ash leading to ten of thousand of refugees. Even today, many unreasonable killings, threats and gambling with the women and children of the community were meted out. Many more reports and eye witnessing were not mention which are worth to mention for justice.

Likewise, the Kukis too had fought with the Britishers from the year 1917 to 1919 known as the ‘Anglo-Kuki war or Kuki Rebellion’ in the history of the Kukis and the Britishers. The Kukis were  predominantly in all the Hill district in the context of Manipur since its inception. This prove that the Kukis exist independently and competence of their own in the past. But things have changed for the Kukis since the last quarter of the 20th century. It is for no autonomous land in the present context that the Kukis may be declared as one of the endangered species of racist scattering in the NE India and other South-East Asian region.

All the ethnic cleansing, slaughter, immigration, etc. were all the effect of the land dispute. Therefore, it
is necessary for the Indian Govt. and the world union or organisation to acknowledge the reasonable proposed autonomous state for the Kukis. Some endangered racist were given the privilege to protect themselves in some parts of the world. Likewise, the present situation of the Kukis undoubtedly need the
same privilege or the autonomous state for them. The ill-treatment, degradation and hardship of the Kukis
were need to be known and spread all around the corner of the world. It is not that I manipulate and
elaborate to favour them rather it’s a true fact that need to be exposed to all the region as already known by the region itself and nearby. If one can proclaim their dominant land for autonomous, it is rightly necessary and should be by all the other on their own dominant land.

It is never too late for the Kukis to agitate before it worsen the baneful and evil attitude towards the Kukis. The time has come for the Kukis to triggers another revolution or movement. We need a genuine sacrifice or movement where all the people including the women and children intersperse in it. Especially, the central government should acknowledge all the matters relevant to this people and launched an initiative to better the situation as we don’t go beyond or move against the Indian Union. It is everybody’s birthright to safeguard their freedom or rights. We are to make sure if, we sticked on to the theme; ‘Union is strength’- for all rather than privatization. If the Indian Union doesn’t recognized us an endangered racist, we need the ignition for another revolution or any mass movement. This is not against any religion or ethics, naturally the Heavenly Father would understand our purposes.

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