Are we living in a Civilized World?

~ Dr. H.H. Mate
We, human beings, are in the process of find ing out how to survive in this scientific era.
But we are sticking our noses into ways that are not-the-ways, and we are getting hurt. In my point of view, we have a cut-flower civilisation. We are living without roots, our morality has no roots in the cosmic order, but only in changing customs, and hence they fade. Our happiness has no cosmic backing, and hence it too easily withers and dies.

While comparing the living standard and socioeconomic positions of our states with other states of India in the all round development, I can say that we are still lagging behind other states. In a civilized or developed state, peace and harmony can be maintained everywhere. When we look the four corners of our state, we can see many things happening around us-killing, murdering, torturing, raping, molesting, etc, beyond human expectations. Corruption and bribery cause revolutionary movements and thus breed insurgency right from the past one or two decades in our small state like Manipur. Do we think that we are civilized people today? In a state where people are civilized, real and maximum liberty is freely allowed to one and all. But in our context, national freedom or national liberty seems to be far away from us, for we cannot exercise our freedom and liberty in this trouble torn Manipur. We need national security in our state. Without national security there can be no civil, political and economic liberty.

Ecologically, ours is a cut-flower civilisation. We cannot protect our forest, instead, we did great harms to them by cutting the trees for the sake of earning money and by practicing cultivation in the hill areas. This means that we often forget that the environment in which we live in is also the environment for the other living beings. It is necessary to say that the message of environmental education has to be proclaimed in mass media in the state so as to save our ecological systems. Protection of the environment is to be “cause-close” to every body’s heart to keep ecological balance. And in this respect formal education had special role to play in our state. For the removal of poverty and conserving the environment, we need more refined environment ‘friendly technology’. Here I would like to mention some points from the
ecological calamity and the tears of mother earth. By 2050A.D. world population trend will rise to 9.8 billion. In every minute, we the worms of this earth destroy-

(i) 21 hectares of tropical forests,
(ii) 34,725 barrels of oil.
(iii) 1200 tonnes of carbon dioxide pollutants/emissions. And, in every hour, due to thinning of Ozone layers-
(i) 685 hectares of productive land become desert,
(ii) 120 millions waste on military defense, and
(iii) 55 people killed by blood poisoning and 5 people killed by pesticides in this world.
Everyday, 25,000 people died of water shortage, 250,000 tones of sulphuric acids fall in acid rain, and 60 tones of plastic packages dumped into the sea. And, in every five hours, a rare species become extinct.

When will our extinction come? Are we living in a civilized world? Shall we keep on doing harms
to our environment? To save our environment and to get ecological balance in our state, let us be sensitive and take firm stand to protect forests and wild animals, too. We are not too late to protect trees and animals in the forests. Now is the time for us to take up necessary steps to preserve our forests properly Time and tide waits for no man on this earth. What we need today is not a cut-flower civilization but a blooming flower civilization on this earth.

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