US offers to assist in probe

NEW DELHI, Feb 14 – The US and UK today condemned the bomb blast in Pune with Washington saying it will “assist” India as needed to help bring the perpetrators of the “cowardly act” to justice, reports PTI.
Offering his condolences, US Ambassador to India Timothy J Roemer said, “On behalf of the people of the United States, I extend heartfelt sympathy to the Government of India and the victims” of the terror strike.

“The US remains shoulder-to-shoulder with India in the fight against terror and will assist as needed to help bring the perpetrators of this cowardly act to justice,” Roemer said.

In a statement, the British High Commission condemned the Pune attack and expressed UK’s solidarity with India. “We condemn the cowardly attack on innocent people in Pune. The UK expresses its wholehearted solidarity with India. Our sympathies and condolences are with the families of all those affected in this incident,” it said.

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