Mizoram Has Only 14.98% of Dense Forest

Aizawl, Feb 25 : If a recent survey by the Mizoram Remote Sensing Application Centre in Aizawl is to be considered, there is only 3158.57 sq.km of dense forest which is not yet touched (cultivated). According to officials, the area is 14.98% of the total Mizoram area.

The forest area which is exploited for road constructions, building houses and other sources accounted for Sq Km 147.85 which is 0.70% of the total land area of the state.

The figures were estimated by Mizoram Remote Sensing Application Centre with the help of photographs and spot visits of the area.

The survey also reported that while there are 2628.08 sq.km medium dense forests (12.46% of total land area) and 3738.57 sq.km less-dense forest (17.73% of the total land area), 31.81% of the total land area is covered by bamboo which is 6708.37 sq.km.

Officials at the centre said that lots of forest areas have been exploited for jhum cultivation. During the survey, a whopping 3965.91 sq.km was cleared for jhum cultivation.

Project Director of Mizoram Remote Sensing Application Centre Dr. RK Lallianthanga said that all the data are based not only on satellite photographs but rather members from the centre have visited various places. He also hoped that the data will be of great importance to government departments for taking up projects and other programs.

Stressing on the need to preserve forest, the project director said that more awareness campaigns on forest fire and prevention of deforestation should be encouraged in Mizoram.

via Newmai News Network

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