Kuki National Organisation to demand Kuki statehood

IMPHAL Jan 21: One amongst the Kuki underground outfit in the Suspension of Operation (SoO), agreement with the government, the Kuki National Organisation, KNO, has finally announced it objective of the creation of an autonomous Kuki state under the relevent article and provision of the Indian Constitution.

The recent press statement of the oufit said while the state of Manipur observed its 38 Statehood Day today, successive governments’ apathy towards the plight of the Kuki people which is going from bad to worse, on account discriminatory policies and step-motherly treatment.

The statement of the KNO further reiterate its standpoint that it would push for the creation of a new state.

But, the KNO was also of the opinion that the volatile nature and ethno-centric politics, or a strong sense of ethno-nationalism in the North East region, cannot be simply ignored by New Delhi.

The statement, further mentioned that, as such, if the Gorkhas of Darjeeling Hills, the Bodos, Kabis, Dimasas of Assam and Garos of Meghalaya voice their their pollitical rights and demand in the form of seperate statehood, why not the Kukis of Manipur, it urged.

The statement said it is doubtful and apprehnsive of the governments’ insicerity in redressing the greivances of the ethnic minorities of the region.

In fact, the ill-conceived notions and the wrong policies of New Delhi upon the people of NE region inevitably encourage and sustained the armed movement.

It said the government dismally failed to listen to the demand for seperate statehood spearheaded by the Kuki National Assembly during 60s and 70s through democratic channels and non-violence means.

The statement further mentioned that, today, not only the staccato of bullets and bombs, but the historicity of Zalen-gam ought to be understood and viewed with a rational outlook to dispel unnecessary misconceptions which could possibly arises regarding the Kuki people and their forefathers’ land.

The statement further mentioned that, it is noteworthy that the Kuki people in defencse of their forefathers’ land and their freedom fought against the British during “Great Kuki Invasion of 1860s and the Kukis Rising of 1917-1919”.

In World War-II, in a bid to regain their freedom from British the Kukis sided with Axis Power to which the Indian National Army was apart, it said.

Unfortunately, today the Kuki people are left behind divided without a “lebensraum” to call their own, nearing to extinction to their culture and identity, therefore, in democratic republic of India, unlike the military regime of Burma, the KNO hopes and is ever ready for an early peaceful political dialoque with the central government the statement added.

~ Imphal Free Press

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