KSDC seeks public support

Lamka, Jan 20 : The Kuki State Demand Committee (KSDC), formed in the first week of November last by the Kuki Inpi Manipur (KIM), with the intention of carving out a Kuki State within the State of Manipur, has pleaded for the support and backing from the general public, to achieve their target, which it claimed is the aspiration and legitimate wishes of the Kuki people.

‘KSDC fervently appeal for your valued cooperation and support to our demand in the interest of the tribal peoples and development areas,’ a statement signed jointly by its general secretary Seimang Haokip and chairman Chawnghahlien Hmar said.

Claiming that the Kukis have been compelled to seek political liberty under the Constitution of India as they have been marginalized, victimized and discriminated upon in all walks of life since Independence, the statement called upon the people to remember in their prayers about the aspiration and legitimate demand in the interest of peace, progress, prosperity and protection of tribal land, rights, customs and culture.

It has also claimed that a memorandum was submitted to the Prime Minister on 29 November, 2010, urging him for immediate creation of Kuki State from Manipur.

The memorandum mentioned the Kuki National Assembly’s memorandum on 24 March, 1960 in this regard and that of the Kuki Chief Association’s on 20 November, 2004.

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