More join no UG rehab camp cry

Imphal, Nov 22 : Submitting a memorandum jointly to the Chief Minister, Naga Students’ Union, Chandel (NSUC) and Kuki Students’ Union (KSO), Chandel district have demanded a total roll back of the State Cabinet decision with regard to rehabilitation of surrendered cadres of KCP (Lallumba) faction at 8 MR, Leikun in Chandel district.

Setting November 22 as the deadline for total recall of the Cabinet decision, the memorandum signed by NSUC president BS Shem-hring and KSO, Chandel unit president Thangjalet Mate categorically pointed out that by going ahead with the decision, the Government will only be inviting unnecessary consequences and paving way for communalism which would disturb peace in the district.

The surrendered cadres should be rehabilitated in the valley area, the joint memorandum demanded, while informing that the populace of Chandel have unanimously resolved to safeguard their legitimate rights and not compromise with their stand on the issue.

Meanwhile, Thadou Students’ Association (TSA), Chandel district has strongly opposed the Government policy of keeping the surrendered cadres of KCP (Lallumba) faction inside the campus of 8th MR at Leikun in Chandel district.

To avoid any unwanted consequences, the Govt should withdraw its policy, information and publicity secretary of the student body Hempu Haokip said in a statement, adding that the people want peace and harmony.

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