JMG meet focuses on 'camp status'

IMPHAL, Nov 16: A mee-ting of the Joint Monitoring Group (JMG) formed in con-nection with implementa- tion of Suspension of Ope-ration (SoO) was held in the banquet hall of Ist Manipur Rifles here today.

Chaired by Commissi-oner (Home), the meeting of the JMG was held separa-tely with KNO and UPF, the two umbrella bodies of the Kuki UG groups which have signed SoO with the Government of India and Mani- pur, according to an official source.

Along with reviewing progress of the construction works over setting de- signated camps for armed UG cadres both under KNO and UPF, the meeting has given strong instruction for speeding up the construction work, the source disclosed.

As construction of a de-signated camp of KNO is yet to be started, the meeting also discussed on selec- tion of a site and accordingly resolved that a joint team of Assam Rifles, Police and other representatives concerned would be deputed for site selection and finalisation.

For setting up solar lighting system and water sup- ply scheme in all the designated camps as well as for construction of community halls at suitable locations, the meeting discussed that relevant projects should be worked out under Manipur Development Society so as to implement them at the earliest possible.
As construction of a de-signated camp of ZRA is also still pending, the meeting decided that a joint in- vestigation team should be deputed for preparing a pro-gress report and the same team would be pressed into the service for reviewing progress in other designated camps as well.

The source explained that there is no separate provision for the leaders in the stipend being given to the armed UG cadres by the Go-vernment of India. Every group members are being treated as cadre and they are being provided a stipend amount of Rs 3000 every month.

The stipend for the KNO and UPF cadres have been cleared till June and it is yet to be cleared for the ZRA. The fund for payment of stipend for the months of July, August and September to the cadres of KNO and UPF have already been sanctioned and the same is likely to be released very soon, the source disclosed.
All the SoO signatories UG groups are given strong instruction against violating the ground rules, source added.

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