Father kills two sons before taking own life

Lamka Nov 12 : In a shocking incident at New Lamka Vengnuam areas a father killed two of his sons and then committed suicide by hanging himself to death.

According to a sources the father identified as that of Zamkhanmuan, 41, w/o Vanlalmuaki killed two of his sons identified as Thangkhenkhup, 10, a student of Class-IV from Ebenezer Academy and the youngest Thangbiakmang ,3, between 12 and 1 pm.

The sources from the neighbours said at about 1pm when it was known that the father Zamkhanmuan has committed suicide inside their house, neighbours and relatives rushed into it and then make arrangement for performance of burials.

During all this they found the two sons of inside their bathroom lying death with the elder cut at his throat by a knife and the younger stabbed on his chest at two places .

On learning the incidents one and all has been feeling shocked. The exact reason of the incident could not be ascertain as yet. Another sources close to the family has said mother was back to her parents.

-IFP (Photo Courtesy: Zogam.com )
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