By: Ngamminlun Kipgen
It is laudable to have a learned scholar living in England to give us an in-depth analysis and as sessment on the issue of territorial integrity of Manipur and more so, it is encouraging to have a retired army official version of this vexed issue facing the state at present, but unfortunately, we have none from the people who braved the ground real-ities.
I do concede to the scholarly definition of ëterri- tory integrityí in the article published on the 6th Sept.2010 in TSE, by Dr Irengbam, that, the sub- ject is vast with varying degree of agreement and disagreement amongst the qualified few. And also, a rejoinder from Mr RS Jassal, is commendable too, who, not only speaks the brutal truth, but paints beautifully about Manipur having so many semi-literates with opinions as an expert on every issue. In fact, I certainly do not claimed to have the accurate assessment, nor do I claim to be an expert on the issues, but nontheless, unlike both the previous esteem authors, mine is devoid of rhetorical points and an unbiased analysis.
From a common man's perspective, the much debated and deduced word "integrity" is nothing but the quality or a state of being undivided or whole, and the word "territorial" is simply a word that relates to an area of land or sea that is owned by a particular country. Therefore, "territorial integrity" must be, a quality or a state of an undivided land or sea owned by a particular country, I suppose? However, in the context of the North East and Manipur in particular, the concept of territorial integrity has remained a vague issue to understand and a political paradox for the lawmakers (politicians) to delibrate. So, the onus lies on the masses to voice their opinions not because they are qualified academician or experts but because the Constitution entitles them the "freedom of speech" or to express their resentment whenever they feel their "right" are violated andsubjugated.
Firstly, it is important to understand the historical facts of the issue, and then to find a meaningful and sustainable solution by adopting an unbiased and holistic approach. "Territorial integrity" of Manipur will never be meaningful or fructified until and unless contribution of the Kukis are acknowledged both by the Centre as well as the state of Manipur, as one of the "free- dom fighters" in the "Indian National Movement". The
Kukis have defended this "Princely" state of Manipur against the foreign invaders. It took three years (a
period between1917-1919) by the mighty British,who were armed with sophisticated weapons and superior artillery to quell the surging inferior armies of the "Kukis". These unsophisticated Hilly people under the guidance of their respective Chiefs fought tooth and nail for the freedom of their motherland which eventually landed them behind bars in Sadija Jail (Assam) only to have their villages burnt and uprooted. A number of lives were lost too. Ironical- ly, scholars and writers in history conspicuously overlooked the sacrifices made by the Kukis to the cause of this great nation till date.
It is note-worthy that with the turn of events in post independent India, the political movement of the Kukis too gained momentum. Civil movement un- der the banner, viz. ëKuki Nation Assemblyí, the Kukis submitted a number of petitions to the then Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, to demand a place to call their own; ëKukiland or homelandí. The Kukis were compelled to remain a mute spec- tator towards the political evolution of Manipur even at the cost and expense of their aspiration. Even- tually, this led to the birth of an armed Kuki mil- itancy in the year 1988 to pursue their political aspirations when civil movement had failed. The Kukis, in spite of being a fearless warrior, they are peace loving community. Unfortunately, the path to extremism took centre stage during the ethnic cleansing of the Kukis by armed Nagas in 1993.
The aftermath of the Kuki-Naga conflict brought shame amongst the Christian Tribals. They became a stranger in their own land with no hope for peace but to reconcile themselves with their past misdeeds. Consequently, "territorial integrity" of Manipur has become an abhorrent and despicable vocabulary to both the tribals not because they donít want to be part of the Indian union or be called a Manipuri, but because they were never considred one.
The Nagas have chosen their "patriotism" and they are in discussion with the Government of India. Now, what remains is for the Kukis to choose theirs too.... Perhaps, the SPF government is making its best efforts to initiate political solution for the Kukis by bringing in all armed Kuki organisations to a table for a dialogue. With a hope to reach a constructive political solution, the armed organisations signed the "Tripartate Agreementí in the form of "Suspension of Operation" (SoO) with the Government of India along with the State Government. How sincere the government wants to solve the Kuki problems will depend on the outcome of this treaty/ agreement "Suspension of Operation". Therefore, as long as the politics of exclusivity and discrimination still remains rampant, differences between the hills and valleys will widen to a point of no convergence. So, whose "sanaleibak" are we talking about protecting it anyway?
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