Laugh Out Loud!

How often do you laugh? We all need some laughter in our lives. Laughing releases endorphins, which are known to be the body’s own pain killers. Experts recommend a real good laugh that makes your insides hurt or one that brings tears to your eyes. Laughing leaves you relaxed and can be very cathartic. So what happens when we laugh? We change physiologically, stretch muscles throughout our face and body, your pulse rate goes up and you breathe faster, which in turn sends more oxygen to your tissues.
Increased stress levels are associated with a decreased immune system response. Some experts say that the ability to use humour may raise the level of infection-fighting antibodies in your body and boost the levels of immune cells as well. Laughter is also known to help you sleep better — your blood vessels expand and contract easily. There are several ways to bring laughter into your life. Seek out friends who are positive and happy and try to spend more time with them. Watch a funny movie or a television series that makes you laugh. Recall a funny incident that took place in the past — and which still brings a smile on your face. Don’t underestimate the value of laughter — it could be the best medicine for you!
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