Words of Gratitude

We would like to extend our heartfelt Gratitude to all the Well wishers and friends who attended and helped perform the Funeral Services of our daughter Deborah Singsit on 27th July, 2010 following her sudden and untimely demise at New Delhi on 24th July,

We also extend our profound Gratitude to Delhi Lompi, Kuki Worship Service (Delhi), KSO (Delhi), Vaiphei Welfare Association (Delhi) and other Individuals who helped us in the immediate aftermath of her demise at Delhi and made the last journey for her funeral at Imphal possible.

Furthermore, We are also extremely grateful to KBC Centre Church, New Lambulane for helping towards undertaking her Funeral service and holding Nightly Lengkhom vigils. We also acknowledge with Gratitude the endless Stream of condolences besides the Monetary, Physical and Emotional Support we continue to receive to this day.

We shall never forget nor can we ever repay you all for your Concern and assistance in our greatest hour of need. May the Good Lord bless you all for your noble deeds.

                                                                                                       Mrs and Dr S. Singsit
Gosem177/30,31/2010                                                          Officers Colony, Sanjenthong Imphal

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