Lamka Jul 29 : Though the 12 hours hill area bandh called by the Community on Protection of Tribal Areas Manipur , COPTAM, today is peacefull with respect to the town proper areas some incidents have been reported at Kangvai over district boundary issues occurring at about 9 : am injuring atleast 15 CDSU volunteers which support the bandh called According to a sources the CDSU volunteers after receiving the occurrence of some incidents rushed to the areas to enquired about it . On reaching the spot of the incident villagers of Phugakchaukhai already enraged started beating the CDSU leaders along with some volunteers who accompanied the leaders .

A reliable sources adds the trouble started when some volunteers of COPTAM with the CDSU removed a signboard at Kamgvai Bazar in which Welcome to Bishnupur District was written and thereafter try to erect at Phougakchau Khai vilage on the pretext that the spot was the genuine place of Bishnupur district .

Then some bus drivers and handiman who were around Phougakchaokhai village encircled the volunteers started shouting calling the village residents and then started beating the volunteers.

The volunteers were attacked with iron rod ,fire woods and many other types of blunt weapon but none of them were seriously injured . Most of them were given first aid treatment at treatment CCpur district hospital and the released .

Leaders of the CDSU including the president who rushed to the spot have also been beaten and they too received minor injury Two local pressmen from TC Cable Netwrok and Hornbill have also been assaulted by the villagers . The two press men reported that they villagers told them not to cover the incident and even try to sncatch their videao cameras On learning the occurrence of the incident some of the recently elected MDC's from New Lamka West , Lanva , Singngat , Hiangtam Lamka with the nominated members namely Zoding rushed to the areas and enquired of the matter The CDPO/ Ccpur along with the OC / Ccput have also rushed to the village and tried try put the situation under control The Bishenpur police commandos accompanied by the OC who have rush to the spot instead of trying to put the situation under control simply watch and beat up the CDSU volunteers said an eyewitnesses adding when a CDSU leaders were beaten they watch it like a drama while the OC/ Bishenpur was reported to have said to the CDSU ' You will later Know as to whether Kangvai will not be under the Bishnupur district or not, You are Committing a misatke " As many as 15 vehicles belonging to the CDSU were smashed according to a sources .

Later in the evening the CDSU convened a press breifing on the incident . At the occassion CDSU consultants , members of the steering committee COPTA leaders and MDC's attended and the next course of actio were discussed .

The CDSU condemned the .Phougakchaokhai villagers in the strongest term . It also condemned the police from Bishenpur and appreciated the prompt response of the Ccpur police led by the Addl CP Manimohan The CDSU have also demanded an apology to the Tedim line Bus Association for beating the CDSU leadership stating they have no connection whatsoever with CDSU bandh while questioning if the Moirang OC a minor officials has the power to make final on the boudary issues

Speakers at the briefing there will be no more looking back while caaling for a united stand aming the tribals They said the Ccpur boundary is not limited only upto Kangvai but extends upto Lalenbung under the Bishenpur district while calling the elected MLA' s to tender a resignation if they are unable to settle a minor issues like the district boundary issues Other speakers condemned the state government as inefficient which has not been able to control small department like PWD who at their whims and fancies erected sign boards marking district boundaries at any places while expressing suspicions on whether the government is following a policy expansionism The COPTA bandh was calledall over the state hill areas to protest the existance of overlapping in the 2011 operation of census in the hill areas , the hill land record issue and on the district boudary issues.

In the towns all schools remained close and there were no vehicular movement from two wheelers to four wheelers . Most market places wore a deserted look with no shop open Except the DC office the was nill attendance to all government department offices .
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