PM urged to repeal AFSPA

Under the Armed Forces Special Powers Act, the army is empowered to search and arrest without warrant. Also, even a non-commissioned officer has the power to shoot to kill on mere suspicion. Above all, the armed forces are protected from any legal proceedings under the Armed Forces Special Powers Act. Here in this image, travelers are stopped and searched by Indian soldiers near Jessami town.

Dimapur, March 15 (MExN): The Asian Human Rights Commission and the Human Rights Alert held a protest rally in Hong Kong today calling upon the Government of India to initiate steps to end the culture of Impunity in Manipur. The Human Rights organizations referred to the stand of Manipur’s ‘Iron Lady’ Irom Sharmila, who has been on fast since 2000 against the Armed Forces Special Powers Act in NE.
As part of the protest rally a representation was made to Indian Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh through the Consulate General of India in Hong Kong. The Human Rights organizations in the representation expressed solidarity with the ten-year-long fast of Irom Sharmila Chanu and her cause. The PM was told: “We are informed that Sharmila has started the fast on 4 November 2000, protesting against the violence committed by state and non-state actors in Manipur. We are aware that the protest also demands an immediate end of Impunity in the state, for which the withdrawal of the martial law, the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958 (AFSPA), from Manipur is a prerequisite.”
“We are worried about the sufferings of the ordinary people of Manipur at the hands of the underground militant organizations as well as the state agencies,” the organizations stated. ‘We are informed that the climate of impunity is one of the reasons why conflict continues in Manipur,’ the groups stated.

The draconian Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, the commissions stated, is understood to be an addition to the overall ‘Impunity framework’ that has contributed to the deterioration of the state of rule of law in Manipur.
Rights rally to end culture of Impunity
“Our opinion is also shared by national bodies including Justice Jeevan Reddy Committee; the Second Administrative Reforms Commission; and the Prime Minister’s Working Group on Confidence-Building Measures in Jammu and Kashmir. We are informed that these eminent bodies have recommended the government to withdraw AFSPA from operation since they are of the informed opinion that a law like the AFSPA will only facilitate violence and not prevent it.”

Under the current circumstances in Manipur the withdrawal of AFSPA will not in itself solve the Manipur crisis, the AHRC and HRA stated.
The Human Rights commissions stated to the PM of India that repealing AFSPA would end the ‘climate of impunity’ in the state: “Yet, it could be a bold and open step by the government to show that it is determined to find solution to an armed conflict that has haunted an entire generation in the state. The withdrawal of AFSPA from Manipur will be recognition to the sufferings of the state’s people and an expression of respect and acknowledgment of their rights. Additionally, withdrawing AFSPA from Manipur will be a catalyst to end the climate of impunity in the state.”
Earlier in the day, the protesters gathered at Charter Garden at 11am today and marched to the Indian consulate. At the consulate, the protesters submitted a petition addressed to the Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh, to the Consul General of India. The petition urged the government to initiate steps to end impunity in Manipur. The Consul General accepted the petition and promised that he would transmit the petition to the Indian prime minister’s office in New Delhi immediately.

Contrary to the practice of their counterparts in India, and to the surprise of the participants of the rally, the Hong Kong Police department ensured that the rally did not interrupt the traffic. The police further informed the Indian consulate about the rally and the intention of the rally organizers to submit a petition to the Consul General.
The petition submitted to the Prime Minister of India by the AHRC and the HRA has been part of an online campaign marking the birthday of Irom Sharmila, the ‘Iron lady of Manipur.’ The HRA has also organized a similar campaign in India.

Speaking to the media, Executive Director of Asian Human Rights Commission Md. Ashrafuzzaman Zaman: “Sharmila represents the voice of the voiceless in India, and in particular, the people of Manipur. Her fast is not just to pressure the government to withdraw the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958 from the state, though the Act in itself is one of the major reasons for perpetual violence in the state…The protest today is a call to the government to withdraw this draconian law from Manipur.”
“Sharmila’s struggle is a strong call to end impunity in Manipur, for which both the state as well as non-state actors have a role to play. Unless the state ends its acts of violence, it has no morale to expect the militant groups operating in the state to stop committing violence,” the Human Rights commission said.


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