Parties back Naga peace process

Kohima, March 19: Close on the heels of NSCN (I-M) general secretary Thiungaleng Muivah’s arrival in Nagaland, political parties and organisations have started airing their views on the Naga political problem.

The Naga People’s Front (NPF), the main constituent of the ruling Democratic Alliance of Nagaland (DAN), reiterated its commitment to support the ongoing peace process between the Centre and the NSCN led by Isak Chishi Swu and Th. Muivah, by playing the role of “active facilitator”.

Party secretary general K.G. Kenye said the NPF would support the peace process for a political solution that was honourable and acceptable to the people and which would bring lasting peace in Nagaland.

“The NPF and DAN alliance partners will continue to strive for the unity and integrity of the people living in the Naga contiguous areas under one administrative umbrella and to provide protection to all ethnic groups of the areas. At the same time, we will be playing our role of protecting and preserving the unique identity, culture, ideology and traditions of our people within and outside the state,” Kenye said.

Naga Hoho, the apex body of the Nagas, has sought the intervention of the UN on the integration of the contiguous Naga areas. The Hoho, in an appeal to UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon, sought due recognition of the rights of the Nagas under the purview of UN Declaration on the Rights of the Indigenous People.

Hoho president Keviletuo Kiewhuo today said Naga integration was a process of final solution to the “Indo-Naga” problem, stating that disintegration of the Naga homeland was a gross violation of human rights.

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